General Employer Education & Training
Available Courses

HR Basics 101: Benefits Compliance Basics
HR 101: Benefits Compliance Basics, Lunch & Learn presented April 23, 2024
Length 72 minutes.

HR Basics 101: What you need to know.
HR 101: What You Need to Know, Lunch & Learn presented April 23, 2024
Length 53 minutes.

HR Basics 101: How to Build an HR Compliant Company
HR 101: How to Build an HR Compliant Company, Lunch & Learn presented April 23, 2024
Length 68 minutes.

Benefit Programs to Attract & Retain Talent for All Job Tiers 2024
Presented March 2024
Length 80 minutes.

Panel on AI Security and Privacy Protections, AI & Cyber Liability, and Keeping Your Data Safe
Presented January 25, 2024
Length 80 minutes.

Artificial Intelligence: Legal Overview: Risks and Needed Protections
Presented January 25, 2024
Length 35 minutes.

ACA Compliance Step-by-Step 2024
Presented February 7, 2024 by Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office
Length 98 minutes.

California Pay Transparency Act
Featuring Kathy Ruffino, MSHRM, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, PHRca and Jacqueline Thorp, MSHR, SPHR, PHRca, Train Me Today
Moderated by Dorothy Cociu, President, Advanced Benefit Consulting
Employers with 15 or more employees must now post pay scales on all job postings, including internal postings, agency posting and job boards, and employers must retain pay data records for each employee, including their job titles and wage history. Certain employers must submit their pay data report no later than May 10, 2023. Violations contain huge penalties per employee, and non-compliance could result in claims and potential lawsuits and reputational damage. Learn the details and how to report with this seminar and workshop on use of the filing portal! Time is running out to comply and file!
Presented April 11, 2023
Length 80 minutes.

Benefit Programs to Attract and Retain Talent For All Job Tiers 2023
Presented January 24, 2023
Length 55 minutes.

Recruiting Talent: Challenges and Opportunities in Post COVID World
Presented January 24, 2023
Length 35 minutes.

Leave Laws and Benefits, 2022 Featuring Marilyn Monahan
Presented September 2022
Course Outline
- An Overview of Federal and State Leave Laws (FMLA/CFRA/PDL)
- When They Apply and How They Interrelate
- Benefit Mandates and Who Has to Pay for Them
- COVID-19, Leaves, & Benefits: Where Are We?
- Wage Replacement
- Workers’ Compensation
- Cafeteria Plans
- A Few More Administrative Considerations...
- Action Plan and Resources
Length 72 minutes.

Self-Funding Your Health Plan Using Reference-Based Pricing; The Positive, Negatives & Potential for Cost Savings… A Panel Discussion and Education
Is it Worth It? The use of Reference-Based Pricing in self-funded health plans has proven to be a great cost savings method of health plan financing, but not without controversy and sometimes employer and employee dissatisfaction. When done right, it can be a great way to produce substantial bottom-line savings, but if not done right, it can be chaotic, frustrating and risky. We will present a Panel of those who have done it right… Hear the positives and negatives from End Users- Employers, plus views from a stop loss carrier and an RBP vendor. Employers include Bill Struett, Treasurer, Triangle and Heimark Distributing, and Laura Robledo, HR and Payroll Manager of Tri-West, LTD. From the Stop Loss side, hear from John Dore, President, Mike Lanza, Vice President, Claims, and Tim Barden, Senior Underwriter of US Benefits. Also on our panel will be Kenny Bennett, from AMPS, an RBP vendor. Moderated by Dorothy Cociu, President of Advanced Benefit Consulting.
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval. Approved for 1.5 hours HRCI General credit. Length 85 minutes.
This class is available as an HRCI class with 1.5 hour of HRCI credit. To obtain HRCI credit, please take this class on the HRCI track of the Empowered Education Center (https://advancedbenefitconsulting.com/empowered-education-center/hrci-education-training/). A $25 fee applies and you must take a test and pass with 70% score or better for HRCI credit. You will have 3 opportunities to pass the test.

An In-Depth Analysis of RX Cost Management & Using Plan Design to Contain Costs in Your Medical Plan
Session 1 – Controlling Your RX Drug Costs in Your Health Plan; An In-Depth Analysis. It’s a well-known fact: To control your health plan spend, you need to control your prescription costs. PBM Consultant Rob Shelley, President of Leaf Health will discuss the differences a PBM can make in your health plan costs, and give you helpful information on how to choose your PBM and how to determine your best fit. What should you look for? Chris Brown, Director of Business Development of RX Benefits, will discuss the best ways to lower your RX costs, and how to analyze your costs. He will discuss the use of Junk Drugs, Biosimilar Drugs, and how the use of Step Therapy, prior authorization and high dollar claim review can result in great savings. Learn how to keep your RX costs in line!
Session 2 – Designing a Self-Funded Plan With the Goal of Cost Savings. Dorothy Cociu, President of Advanced Benefit Consulting and MaryAnn Wessel, Senior Account Manager for EBA&M Corporation, a TPA, will walk you through some important ways to contain health plan costs in a self-funded health plan. A good plan design results in great savings! Learn how to design a cost-effective self-funded health plan! Length 85 min.
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval. This class is available as an HRCI class with 1.5 hour of HRCI credit. To obtain HRCI credit, please take this class on the HRCI track of the Empowered Education Center (https://advancedbenefitconsulting.com/empowered-education-center/hrci-education-training/). A $25 fee applies and you must take a test and pass with 70% score or better for HRCI credit. You will have 3 opportunities to pass the test.

Artificial Intelligence: Legal Overview: Risks and Needed Protections
Length 120 minutes.
This class is available as an HRCI class with 2 hours of HRCI General credit. To obtain HRCI credit, please take this class on the HRCI track of the Empowered Education Center (https://advancedbenefitconsulting.com/empowered-education-center/hrci-education-training/). A $25 fee applies and you must take a test and pass with 70% score or better for HRCI credit. You will have 3 opportunities to pass the test.

Evaluating Self-Funding for Your Organization
Session Two: Evaluating Self-Funding for Your Organization: Dorothy Cociu and Dan Baker will walk you through how self-funding works, the terminology, the types of stop loss insurance coverage offered, and the risks. If you’re considering self-funding, this is a must register for! Length 94 minutes.
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval. This class is available as an HRCI class with 1 hour of HRCI credit. To obtain HRCI credit, please take this class on the HRCI track of the Empowered Education Center (https://advancedbenefitconsulting.com/empowered-education-center/hrci-education-training/). A $25 fee applies and you must take a test and pass with 70% score or better for HRCI credit. You will have 3 opportunities to pass the test.

Health Plan Cost Containment Strategies – 2022 and Beyond
Session One, Health Plan Cost Containment Strategies: Dorothy Cociu discusses what employers can do to contain their health plan costs, whether fully insured or self-funded. She will discuss the most effective and current strategies to bring your health plan and RX plan costs down. Length 65 minutes.
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval. This class is available as an HRCI class with 1 hour of HRCI credit. To obtain HRCI credit, please take this class on the HRCI track of the Empowered Education Center (https://advancedbenefitconsulting.com/empowered-education-center/hrci-education-training/). A $25 fee applies and you must take a test and pass with 70% score or better for HRCI credit. You will have 3 opportunities to pass the test.