ABC Broker Co-Op

Read ABC Benefit News
ABC’s Independent Broker Co-Op Intention
To provide a close-knit group of independent agents who help each other, work together, do joint marketing to enhance all partners’ credibility in sales efforts. ABC would provide partners the opportunity to leverage the positive press and credibility from the Frontrunner status of national HR Magazine HR Tech Outlook’s Top 10 Employee Benefits Services Companies for 2022 and Top 10 Employee Benefits Administration Companies 2022 by Manage HR Magazine, by creating a certificate or label showing the logos of all partners within the broker co-operative. ABC would also provide compliance and education assistance to all co-op partners, as well as access to their education platform and more.
Agency co-op partners will receive regular compliance updates from Advanced Benefit Consulting, and will be co-branded on ABC’s quarterly client newsletter, ABC Benefit News. Partners will receive complementary attendance for themselves and their clients for all ABC Zoom Webinars. Co-op partners will receive substantially discounted in-person seminars, Lunch & Learn educational sessions, and HIPAA Privacy & Security Training. If you’re worried about client compliance, ABC can help. We can provide assistance with compliance consulting, Wrap Around Documents, Plan Documents and SPDs, 5500 filings, ERISA compliance, ACA compliance, and HIPAA compliance. This compliance assistance can give you peace of mind so that you can concentrate on your sales and production.
Co-op partners could improve their chance of gaining new business by using the employee counts and job titles that would be impressive to prospects, particularly when completing formal Requests for Proposals, which generally ask for the number of employees and related “size” questions. The small number of participating co-op partners would still allow each to call themselves a “boutique” shop, yet still have the manpower and talent to compete with larger agencies in gaining new business. Partners are welcome to add the co-op members to their websites “About Us” sections (again, to show increased size and credibility). Co-op partnership members are offered exclusively to close friends and business associates of Advanced Benefit Consulting.
Co-op partners would refer business within the partnership when possible and relevant. Compensation splits or referral fees would be agreed upon in advance between the co-op members, when applicable.
If you choose Level Two or higher, you will also be able to state that you have Marilyn Monahan, Monahan Law Office, available on retainer, or Dorothy Cociu as a compliance consultant.
If you’re interested in applying for consideration, please click here:
Choose the Level That Fits Your Needs and Budget!
Level One
Designed for agencies with 90% or more clients under 100 lives- Access to our Empowered Education Center Clients Only section, which includes complimentary access to client and employee educational videos, HRCI classes for credit, downloadable trainings.
- No charge registration for all Zoom Webinars provided by ABC for each agency employee and an unlimited number of your client attendees.
- Discounted registration for you and your clients to all ABC in-person seminars and trainings (food and beverage/hard costs only). Note, some meetings may have limits to in-person attendance due to space limits. DOI CE credit and HRCI credit included when applicable.
- Complimentary HIPAA Privacy & Security full-day Privacy Officer and Privacy Work Group training for any of your staff members (offered in person spring and fall each year), while space is available. DOI CE credit and HRCI credit available when applicable.
- Discounted registration for HIPAA Privacy & Security full-day Privacy Officer and Privacy Work Group training for your clients (food and beverage and hard costs like notebook printing only), while space is available. HRCI credit included when applicable.
- 1 complimentary individual webinar exclusively for each member’s clients per year (4th quarter excluded).
- One master electronic copy of all new required forms or notices that you can provide to your clients as compliance requirements are announced.
- Inclusion on all ABC client notification emails for updates on legislative and regulatory matters that you can forward to your clients.
- Electronic copy (single page pdf) of all ABC Client Newsletters, co-branded with the Co-Operative member logo or certificate.
- 3 hours per year of HIPAA Privacy & Security Physical & Administrative security consulting and implementation assistance in your agency (does not include IT HIPAA Security Work) – 4th quarter excluded.
- Unlimited use of the joint logo/certificate of the Co-Op membership on your marketing materials.
Level Two
Designed for agencies with 75% or more clients under 100 lives- All of the Level One benefits PLUS:
- 1 hour of legal or compliance work per month with Marilyn Monahan, Monahan Law Office (payment to ABC; ABC will add your hour to our retainer and you will accumulate 1 hour per month of either consulting services by ABC or legal assistance). Additional hours used may be billable by Monahan or ABC ($250 per hour).
Level Three
Designed for agencies with 90% or more clients under 100 lives- All of the Level One benefits PLUS:
- 2 hours of legal or compliance work per month with Marilyn Monahan, Monahan Law Office (payment to ABC; ABC will add your hour to our retainer and you will accumulate 2 hours per month of either consulting services by ABC or legal assistance). Additional hours used may be billable by Monahan or ABC ($250 per hour).
Level Four
Designed for agencies with the majority of groups over 250 lives- Access to our Empowered Education Center Clients Only section, which includes complimentary access to client and employee educational videos, HRCI classes for credit, downloadable trainings.
- No charge registration for all Zoom Webinars provided by ABC for each agency employee and an unlimited number of your client attendees.
- Complimentary registration for your agency employees for all in-person seminars and up to 4 complimentary registrations for your clients for in-person seminars for all ABC seminars per year. Discounted registration for your additional clients to all ABC in-person seminars and trainings (food and beverage/hard costs only). Note, some meetings may have limits to in-person attendance due to space limits. DOI CE credit and HRCI credit included when applicable.
- Complimentary HIPAA Privacy & Security full-day Privacy Officer and Privacy Work Group training for any of your staff members (offered in person spring and fall each year), while space is available. DOI CE credit and HRCI credit available when applicable.
- 2 complimentary client attendees for our HIPAA Privacy & Security full-day Privacy Officer and Security Officer and Privacy Work Group training for your clients for each of our training session (spring and fall each year – total 4 client attendees complimentary each year). Discounted registration for HIPAA Privacy & Security full-day Privacy Officer and Privacy Work Group training for additional clients (food and beverage and hard costs like notebook printing only), while space is available. HRCI credit included when applicable.
- 2 complimentary individual webinars exclusively for each member’s clients per year (4th quarter excluded).
- 2 hours of complimentary consulting assistance from ABC per month (hours will accumulate).
- 1 hour of complimentary legal services from Monahan Law Office per month (one hour will be added to our monthly retainer to Monahan – hours will accumulate if not used)
- One master electronic copy of all new required forms or notices that you can provide to your clients as compliance requirements are announced.
- Inclusion on all ABC client notification emails for updates on legislative and regulatory matters that you can forward to your clients.
- Electronic copy (single page pdf) of all ABC Client Newsletters, co-branded with the Co-Operative member logo or certificate.
- 6 hours per year of HIPAA Privacy & Security Physical & Administrative security consulting and implementation assistance in your agency (does not include IT HIPAA Security Work) – 4th quarter excluded.
- 8 hours per year of HIPAA Privacy & Security Physical & Administrative security consulting and implementation assistance for one or more of your clients per year (may be split for more than one client; for example 2 clients at 4 hours each); 4th quarter limited to 2 hours.
- Unlimited use of the joint logo/certificate of the Co-Op membership on your marketing materials.
- Up to four client annual 5500 filings per year included. Allow 1-2 weeks for completion.
- Up to 3 plan documents and SPDs (self-funded) and up to 5 wrap around plan documents and SPDs for fully insured groups per year included. Allow 2 to 4 weeks for completion.
- Drafts of fully insured and self-funded TiC, MRF, CAA RX Reporting agreements for your clients.
- Up to 2 self-funded clients assistance with RX Benefit Reporting.
Terms of service for all levels
Auto payment via credit card or debit card is available, to be paid between the first and 5th of the month.
If you choose payment by check, we will prepare 12 months of invoices in advance for payment by check. Due date will be the 5th of the month. Payments received after the 5th of the month will be subject to a $25 late fee for the first 10 days, $50 late fee for 11 – 29 days late, and subject to cancellation if 30 or more days past due. Non-sufficient funds checks will result in a NSF fee of $30.
Any stand-alone services selected will not be included in the auto-pay, but may be paid by credit card, debit card or by check.
Stand-Alone Additional Co-Operative Services Available by ABC
only available to co-op members with at least a Level One plan- ABC consulting work by Dorothy Cociu – $250 per hour when used – discounted to $200 per hour on stand-alone basis for co-op members.
- Preparation of ERISA wrap-around Plan Documents and Summary Plan Descriptions at $100 each (electronic copy). Allow 2-4 weeks for completion.
- Preparation of 5500 forms at $95 each. Allow 1-2 weeks for completion.
- These services are available when needed. To be billed on the following month’s invoice.
- Additional Legal Services with Monahan Law Office – $250 per hour.
Broker Co-Op Members Include

Kelly & Kelly Insurance Services Inc
Anne Kelly
CA Insurance # OB38723 OC 28292

Patrick & Patrick Insurance Services, Inc
Ciaran O’Neill Patrick
CA License # 0N04216 / 6002036
Patrick Hanaway, CE
CA License #0M66210 / 6002036
San Clemente, CA 92672