A Full Service Employee Benefit and Compliance Solution for Employers

Republished from Health & Human Services department

Spanish versions of OCR Notifications, Guidance, and Bulletins on Civil Rights, HIPAA, and COVID-19 are now available.

April 10, 2020

HIPAA, Civil Rights, and COVID-19 in SpanishLa ley HIPAA, Derechos Civiles, y el COVID-19 en español

Las versiones en español de Notificaciones, Orientación, y Boletines de Derechos Civiles, la ley HIPAA, y el COVID-19 de la OCR ya están disponibles.

These documents, along with all COVID-19 related materials issued by OCR, may be found on OCR’s new website: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/special-topics/hipaa-covid19/index.html.

Estos documentos, junto con todos los materiales relacionados con el COVID-19 emitidos por la OCR, se pueden encontrar en el nuevo sitio web de la OCR: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/special-topics/hipaa-covid19/index.html