In this week’s podcast, Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Kathy Ruffino, Vice President, Train Me Today, a Southern California-based Human Resources Consulting and Training firm, on the upcoming law changes for 2024 related to Human Resources and Employment Law. In this podcast, we discuss California’s SB 616 Paid Sick Leave, Cannabis Legislation SB 700 and AB 2188, SB 699 Non-Compete Agreements, SB 553 Workplace Violence, SB 497 Rebuttable Presumption of Retaliation, AB 594 Public Prosecution for Labor Code Violations, AB 1228 Fast Food Minimum Wage, SB 525 Health Care Industry Minimum Wage, SB 723 Rehire/Retention of Displaced Employees in Hospitality and Service Industries, and SB 848, Reproductive Loss Leave. In addition, we discuss Federal Laws The Pump Act and Federal Pregnant Worker Fairness Act (PWFA). Join us for this informative podcast!