Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Larry Thompson, Chief Revenue & Strategy Officer for Advanced Medical Pricing Solutions (AMPS), one of the pioneers in reference-based pricing and medical bill review that has been in business since 2005. Starting as a medical bill review company, AMPS takes a unique approach to cost savings for self-funded employers. Their basic reference-based pricing package includes medical bill review, identifying potential billing and coding errors, and provides peer review by premier physicians to keep hospital claim costs in line. This, combined with RBP, provides employers with great overall savings… AMPS also provides something that most RBP providers do not… They accept fiduciary liability in the employer’s health plan so that their employer clients know that they are always working with the best interest of the health plan in mind when negotiating with providers and settling claims if there is provider push-back. Listen to this unique approach to Reference Based Pricing and why it works.