California’s SB 553 Workplace Violence Prevention Education, Training
Do-It-Yourself Plug & Play Package and Active Shooter Training
Lunch & Learn! Thursday, June 20, 2024, 10 am – 2 pm (Hybrid Zoom Option Available)
Following the SB 553 class and Plug and Play Do-It-Yourself How-To Session, we will provide a special One-Hour Active Shooter Training! Be ready for the SB 553 July 1, 2024 Effective Date!
In-Person Training Location:
Anaheim Business Center 2nd Floor Conference Room, 5140 E La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92807

CE Credit
These two sessions together are approved for 3.0 hours of HRCI California Credit!
“The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.”
Program Details & Times
SESSION 1 Workplace Violence Prevention Law & How to Comply with SB 553
10 am – 12 pm
This course is a seminar, webinar and workshop to assist Human Resources Professionals as they prepare for the implementation of the required SB 553, Workplace Violence Prevention and Active Shooter Employee Training. We will discuss in detail the re-quirements of SB 553 and what employers have to do to comply with it, as well as provide a hands-on workshop on approaches to implement the new law. This course will include a “How To” approach to complete all of the requirements, and provide tools to complete the requirements of SB 553. We will cover what workplace violence is, the four types of workplace violence, and what employers, particularly Human Resources Professionals, are expected to do for complete implementation. Learning objectives: To Identify who is responsible for implementing the plan; Involving employees and their representatives; To accept and respond to reports of workplace violence and prohibit employee retaliation; To communicate with employees regarding workplace violence matters; To respond to actual and potential emergencies; To develop and providing effective training; To identify, evaluate, and correct workplace violence hazards, and To perform post incident response and investigations.
Lunch Break- 12 pm – 12:45 pm
Session 2 Accelerated ALIVE Active Shooter Survival Training (Q&A After)
12:45 pm -1:45 pm
Session two will provide an accelerated Active Shooter Survival Training for Human Resources, to assist them in providing this training to their staffs, with tools to assist them (train the trainer approach). We will cover: Active Shooter Definition, How to Use Fear to Your Advantage, Security & Survival Mindsets, Understanding the Killer’s Mindset, Situational Awareness and Being Proac-tively Reactionary, Using the “10 Minute Rule” to Stay Focused on Survival, Active Shooter Statistics, The Survival Visualization Exercise, Using this Program for Empowerment in all Aspects of Your Life, and an In-depth Explanations of the Complete 5 Steps of A.L.I.V.E., Including: ASSESS—establish what is happening, breathe, decide on your next step, and take rational, not emotional action—call 911!; LEAVE – Your first consideration, leave your belongings behind except your cell phone and a weapon if you have one, notify those around you, assist them if it doesn’t inhibit your ability to leave, video example of what NOT to do; IMPEDE – Create Time and Space – find a safe area or create one by blocking the killer’s ability to get to you – shut and lock the door, block-ade the door with objects, turn lights and cell phone ringer off, prepare to attack if assailant breaches your blockade. Includes video examples of what NOT to; VIOLENCE – If all else fails, attack the killer with all your might to neutralize them, with 100% commitment. If not alone, “swarm” as a team to overpower the assailant. Video examples of proper and wrong ways to swarm. Considerations of “Control and Disarm”, when to attack, disarming methods against handguns and long guns, using everyday items as a weapon, and where to attack.
In person attendees will receive with their registration a “Plug & Play Do-It-Yourself Program” to assist them in their implementa-tion. Webinar attendees can receive HRCI credit and take the course, but will not receive the “Plug & Play Do-It-Yourself Program, but it will be available for purchase after, if webinar attendees should like to purchase it.