Employer Privacy & Security Training & Tools
Available Courses

HIPAA Privacy Officer & Work Group Training – Session 1 for ABA Providers
This course provides ABA and Mental Health providers with an in-depth look at the requirements for providing compliance for HIPAA Privacy & Security laws and regulations, as well as related laws, applications and best practices that apply to that protection of electronic data. We’ll provide an overview of real-world steps that can be taken to ensure compliance. We will discuss physical, administrative and technical security, including risk assessments, HITECH and electronic security and cybersecurity. Video length 2 hours, 59 minutes. Includes one 10-minute break. 10,712 words, 137 slides.

HIPAA Privacy Officer & Work Group Training – Session 1 for Non-Provider Employers/Agents/Health Insurance Professionals
This course provides non-provider employers and health insurance professionals with an in-depth look at the requirements for providing compliance for HIPAA Privacy & Security laws and regulations for employers who sponsor health plans, and their Business Associates, as well as related laws and applications that apply to employers and health industry professionals that protect electronic data. The instructor will discuss the laws that apply, and how they can be managed for employers’ Privacy Officers, Security Officers and Privacy Work Group members, as well as insurance industry personnel. We’ll provide an overview of real-world steps that can be taken to ensure compliance. We will discuss physical, administrative and technical security, including risk assessments, HITECH and electronic security and cybersecurity. Students will be required to watch the entire video and take a written exam. You must pass the test with at least a 70% score, and you will have 3 opportunities to take the test. You will have 1 hour to complete the test. Training Video length 2 hours, 48 minutes. Includes one 10-minute break. 10,609 words, 135 slides.

HIPAA Privacy Officer & Work Group Training – Session 1 for Providers
This course provides providers with an in-depth look at the requirements for providing compliance for HIPAA Privacy & Security laws and regulations, as well as related laws, applications and best practices that apply to that protection of electronic data. We’ll provide an overview of real-world steps that can be taken to ensure compliance. We will discuss physical, administrative and technical security, including risk assessments, HITECH and electronic security and cybersecurity. Students will be required to watch the entire video and take a written exam. You must pass the test with at least a 70% score, and you will have 3 opportunities to take the test. You will have 1 hour to complete the test. Training Video length 3 hours. Includes one 10-minute break. 10,811 words, 138 slides.

HIPAA Privacy Officer & Work Group Training – Session 2
Privacy Session 2 – Enforcement Summary
This session provides employers, providers and insurance industry representatives with a brief overview of the enforcement side of HIPAA Privacy & Security laws and regulations. The instructors will discuss the laws that apply, and how they are enforced, the agencies involved, and how the enforcement process works to close cases. Students will be required to watch the entire video and take a written exam. You must pass the test with at least a 70% score, and you will have 3 opportunities to take the test. You will have 1 hour to complete the test. Training Video length 61 minutes. 12,462 words, 116 slides.

HIPAA Privacy Officer & Work Group Training – Session 3
HIPAA Privacy & Security – Electronic Security Overview, Including HIPAA Security, HITECH and Cybersecurity
Session Three Summary: This course provides insurance professionals with an overview of the HIPAA Privacy & Security as it relates to HIPAA Security, HITECH and Cybersecurity, and how HIPAA’s Security & HITECH rules require an IT-security review while working at home. The instructor(s) will discuss the laws that apply, and how they can be managed in the employment setting, while working at home, as well as an overview of real-world steps that can be taken to ensure compliance. Video run time 56 minutes. Course contains 58 slides and 3591 words. Students are required to watch the entire video lesson or lessons. Students will have 90 minutes to complete the test with a 70% score (complete 7 of 10 correct answers), and students will be given 3 opportunities to take and pass the online test. Courses are available for 60 days from the time of enrollment / purchase. After expiration students can no longer access the course.

HIPAA Privacy Training Session 3 – Extended
Presented May 17, 2023
HIPAA Privacy & Security – Electronic Security Overview, Including HIPAA Security, HITECH and Cybersecurity
Session Three Summary: This course provides insurance professionals with an overview of the HIPAA Privacy & Security as it relates to HIPAA Security, HITECH and Cybersecurity, and how HIPAA’s Security & HITECH rules require an IT-security review while working at home. The instructor(s) will discuss the laws that apply, and how they can be managed in the employment setting, while working at home, as well as an overview of real-world steps that can be taken to ensure compliance. Students will be required to view the entire video and pass a written exam with at least 70% score. Test time is 90 minutes. Students will be allowed 3 opportunities to pass the test. Video run time 1 hours 45 minutes.

Privacy & Security Training for All Employees
This brief training provides an overview of HIPAA Privacy & Security, HITECH, and other Federal and California State Privacy laws, and provides an overview of Cybersecurity Training for
All Employees of an organization. This training introduces employees to the importance of keeping health information, employment information, customer information and other private information safe and secure within an organization. This training ends with a review of your own company’s privacy policies and procedures. Video length 35 minutes. Allow 45 minutes to 1 hour including review of your internal policies and procedures and questions and answers with your privacy work group. Price includes tax.

Supervisor & Manager Privacy Training for Non-Provider Employers
Tailored to the needs of company Supervisors and Managers in a non-provider organization. Training length approximately 2 hours, including role playing and review of your internal policies and procedures. Video length, not including role playing, is 55 minutes. Price includes sales tax.