A Full Service Employee Benefit and Compliance Solution for Employers

Coronavirus COVID-19 Information & Resources

Keep current on the evolving situtation, regulations, and resources for employers during these unprecidented times.

S2E14 – Being Hospitalized During COVID-19: A Nurse and Patient Perspective

In this last of our 3-part series on the non-benefits side of COVID-19, host Dorothy Cociu interviews Deena, a Registered Nurse, who was hospitalized for her own emergency surgery in the fall of 2020.  Listen to what it’s really like in the hospital during COVID; the isolation, the fear, the emotional toll on the patients and their families.  Deena is an RN working in a hospital, but in this podcast, she shares her personal story about being on the patient’s side of hospitalization during this Pandemic.


S2E13 – COVID-19’s Impact on Kids With Emotional Disabilities, Including Autism

Host Dorothy Cociu continues her 3-part series on the real-world effects of COVID-19 on the community.  In part 2 of this mini-series, she interviews Ruth Tello-Di Leva, MS, BCBA, founder and president of Familias First, an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy provider in Los Angeles county.  In this candid interview, they discuss the emotional impact of COVID on kids and adults with disabilities such as Autism, how the pandemic affected their treatment, and how best to deal with the continued interruptions to their routines and unknowns in a virtual and hybrid world.  This podcast will be helpful to parents and teachers dealing with special needs children and adults.

S2E12 – Remote Learning in the Age of COVID -19; How it Affects Teachers, Students & Parents

In part one of our 3-part series on the effects of COVID-19, host Dorothy Cociu interviews an elementary school teacher in Orange County, California to discuss how remote and hybrid learning is affecting teachers, students and parents. In an interview with Jennifer, a 5th grade teacher, we will hear first-hand what it was actually like during the spring of 2020, when schools were closed, and students, parents and teachers were effectively in limbo, and when remote learning began, how teachers, students and parents reacted; the good, the bad and the indifference. Jennifer walks us through March, 2020 to the present, and brings a unique perspective as an educator and a parent living through these difficult times. We discuss the school district and state safety protocols, and how the teachers did their best to keep kids engaged. We’ll learn about the emotional toll on the kids with the lack of structure and isolation from friends and teachers, how parents reacted and how teachers handled it, and how the new hybrid system is working. What is it really like inside the hybrid classrooms and remote learning? Is it safe for students and teachers? Join us for this informative podcast.

S2E11 – PPP Loan Forgiveness Tips with Tax Accountant John Piekarski

If you received a PPP loan, this podcast is a must-listen! Host Dorothy Cociu interviews tax accountant John Piekarski, who discusses the PPP loan forgiveness process, the application options, and what to have ready to apply for forgiveness. John provides helpful tips and clarifications about what forms to use in each situation, and reminders of what to do in advance to prepare for your forgiveness submission. If you have an outstanding loan under $50k, he will walk you through the EZ application for loan forgiveness.

S2E4 – Legal Update Part 2 – Federal and State Legal Updates

Federal and State Legal Updates Image with Dorothy Cociu and Marilyn Monahan

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews once again attorney Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law office. In part 2, we will start with an update from Part 1, where we discuss the newly signed California law AB 1867, which expands paid sick leave similar to FFCRA for California employers with 500 or more employees, then we discuss several California state and federal legal updates, including AB-5, the independent contractor’s law in California, recent changes to the ACA, new federal forms that were released, Grandfathered Plans proposed rule changes, California Paid Leave Programs, and Harassment training requirements in California.

S2E3 – Legal Update Part 1 – COVID-19 Legislation Updates

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews attorney Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office. In part 1, we will discuss recent COVID-19 legislation and how it affects employers, the documentation and communications employers must be aware of, FFCRA paid leaves and how California laws and other laws wrap around the federal law, and employer consideration regarding employees working from home.

Will COVID-19 Employment Layoffs and Loss of Coverage Spark Another Single Payer Debate This Election Cycle? A Look Into the Reality….

REPRINTED by permission of CAHU


By: Dorothy Cociu, RHU, REBC, GBA, RPA, LPRT, CAHU Vice President, Communications

CAHU The Statement

article by Dorothy Cociu

The year 2020 will be a memorable one for many reasons; most of them not positive, and for many, devastating. The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused nation-wide layoffs equaling the great depression, people are struggling to pay their rent, pay their mortgages, and feed their families. As we all know, the pandemic forced the closures of hospitality businesses, hotels, restaurants, gyms, hair salons, and many other industries for weeks or months. The restaurant industry was reduced to take-out only, then allowed to reopen at 50% capacity, only to be closed again, followed by outdoor dining only. So if you’re employed in one of these hardest-hit industries, you are likely just trying to barely survive. But those aren’t the only businesses affected, of course. Manufacturing and production facilities that were non-essential businesses were shut down, and even after massive cleaning efforts and purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE), putting in policies and social distancing, some still have not yet returned to work. Some, however, have been offered the opportunity to return to work, yet declined to return (due in part to being paid by federal unemployment benefits through July more money than they would have been paid on the job). Many office workers have been and will continue to be working from home, when able, but this just continues to impact our economy and our well-being.

State and National Unemployment Numbers

California saw a record-breaking unemployment rate in April, 2020 of 16.4%, which skyrocketed from March’s 5.5%, lowering slightly to 16.3% in May. In June, California improved to 14.9%. Nationally, we increased from 4.4% in March to 14.7% in April, 13.3% in May and 11.2% in June. These are not numbers we can brag about.

Is the Employer-Based Health Care System in Jeopardy?

There has been a lot of press on the effectiveness of the employer-based health care system, most recently due to the pandemic layoffs. This system, which covers nearly half of the insured in our country, is something that needs to be preserved and employers should be applauded for the coverage they offer, yet the single payer advocates are back on the forefront, slamming its effectiveness and looking to replace it with something unrealistic and costly… Single Payer. In mid-August, the anticipated report from the “Healthy California For All” committee was released, which warrants serious review. (We’ll address this further later on in this article). The press is also hitting heavily

on the fact that some insurers are seeing high profits during the first two quarters of the pandemic, with no discussion on the fact that they will have to pay for future claims, once pandemic-delayed services are rescheduled. And during the pandemic, we are not seeing huge increases in premium rates. In fact, just the opposite, and multiple carriers have been going out of their way to keep people enrolled, with forgiveness on premiums for small employers, extending marketplace open enrollment, and lightening their normal underwriting guidelines to help people get or stay insured. The bottom line is, there have been numerous reports with misinformation, and I’d like to attempt to set the record straight.

A Look Into the Reality

So is all of this true? Are so many uninsured because of the employer-sponsored health plan market? Are employers to blame? Are the insurance companies profiting while hospitals and providers are suffering? Are the uninsured numbers true and do they tell the whole story? Sadly, only part of the stories are being told. My job today is to try to point out some of the realities, and help you to understand the facts, particularly as we head into the fall election cycle, where we know all of these things and more will be battled in the press, TV advertising and debate stages.

I spoke with Mike Ferguson, CEO of the Self-Insurance Institute of America, who commented: “Yes, people have been laid off and losing coverage, because of the situation, but what’s important is to gather the market segments, and how it intersects with the self-funded market. We’ve been hav-ing monthly calls with our Diamond sponsors, which are our big stop loss carriers, TPA firms, etc., [representing many large, self-funded employers]. At the beginning of this, since March, there was a concern the plan participant count was going to drop dramatically, but as we got into this, we’re not seeing this. We’re not seeing a significant erosion in plan population… Meaning, people are not getting laid off, and they are getting their benefits taken care of. Now, keep in mind, in the self-funded world, mostly you’re not dealing with companies with fewer than 50 employees. The under 50 employee market, arguably, a lot of those types of companies are more susceptible to layoffs…. Because they are in the hospitality industries, gyms, or things with higher degree of restrictions [such as] restaurants, hotel workers, etc… they are getting laid off. Most are not part of a self-funded health plan. In our market, the self-insured market, there has not been a significant erosion in plan population….”

But the employer-based heath insurance marketplace also covers small, mid-size and large groups that may not be self-insured, so I want to also mention how important that coverage is to workers. And if they are laid off due to COVID-19 (or any other reasons), it’s important to note that they do have options available to them, quite often without a lapse in coverage. They can enroll in a Marketplace plan, which the ACA set up for just these reasons… Here in California, we offer Covered California, which is the most successful ACA marketplace in the country. Covered California also, incidentally, welcomes the services of insurance agents, who can assist these individuals when they do lose coverage, and direct them to subsidized health plans or even Medi-Cal.

Press Hot Topics

During this time, as people fear most about getting sick, the press has been hitting heavily on the pandemic’s causing massive health insurance coverage losses, and reporting the “greatest health insurance losses in American history.1 In this footnoted article, Families USA reported that because of job losses between February and May of this year, 5.4 million laid-off workers became uninsured, and re-ported that these recent increases in the number of uninsured adults are 39% higher than any annual increase ever recorded. The New York Times later picked up this story and added to it, citing that Kaiser Family Foundation has estimated that 27 million Americans have lost coverage in the pandemic, and reported that the Urban Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation project-ed that by the end of 2020, 10.1 million people will no longer have employer-sponsored health insurance or coverage that was tied to a job they lost because of the pandemic.2

In addition, several news outlets have reported that insurance carriers in the fully insured markets are reporting huge profits due to COVID-19. In Forbes, August 6, 20203, it was reported that “In some parts of the country, hospitals are being overwhelmed by an influx of patients and many have announced staggering financial losses. Meanwhile, insurers have been able to avoid shelling out big money for surgeries and other complicated medical procedures while people have been less likely to visit their doctors over the past couple of months.” Forbes went on to report that “UnitedHealth Group saw its net income double from $3.4 billion to $6.7 billion, while Anthem’s grew two-fold, climbing from $1.1 billion to $2.3 billion.” They also stated that CVS Health (which owns Aetna and other brands, including pharmaceutical companies) add-ed an extra billion dollars in net income in the second quarter of this year, increasing from $1.9 billion to $3 billion. There were others, including Humana, discussed in the article.

The press makes it sound like all employers are experiencing massive layoffs. They are not. Industries like the trucking and distribution industries are booming, be-cause they are supplying groceries and other needed items to retail markets. Grocery retailers are booming and can’t find enough workers to fill of the jobs. And self-insured employers, for the most part, mostly due to their size, are not seeing massive layoffs like the smaller employers, as discussed above. Generally speaking, the self-insured market has seen less layoffs than the fully insured and smaller group market. What seems to be most common is layoffs in the under 50 employee mar-ket; small employers are definitely the hardest hit. Of all of my own self-funded clients, only one had layoffs, which resulted in a loss of about 30 to 40 people; so not significant numbers.

Next, let’s talk about the hospitals suffering and the insurance carriers profiting during these times. I find it quite interesting that none of the articles I read mentioned anything about the fact that just because people may be putting off services/surgeries and other medical procedures now temporarily, does not mean that they won’t happen. Insurance companies need to be prepared for when they do… I read no mentions of reserves for such times… So let’s discuss that.

It’s true that many hospitals are hurting and have a shortage of beds, PPE, and medical providers. Our health care heroes continue to be just that- our heroes; graciously and unselfishly serving the needs of their patients, often at the expense of their families. Many are sleeping in garages, cars or hotels during this time to keep their families safe. No one is arguing that, and I, as well as all of CAHU, thanks them for their never-ending love, support and care of our friends and families in the hospital and medical facilities. In my opinion, they should all be given “combat pay” and should be compensated for their actions accordingly, and more importantly, they should be given ample support for their families, their children in day-care, and for all of their personal suffering. However, hospitals and other medical providers are not making the extra income they normally do for elective surgeries and other more profitable services, leaving them in a financial bind. This of course some-times leads to price increases and gouging on other services, but that is a topic for another day; another article. At this point, I want to focus on the goodness of the healthcare workers and all of the other essential workers in the medical facilities, from cafeteria workers to maintenance and cleaning staff, and everyone else who are there every day during this pandemic crisis. In addition, I also want to mention that many health insurance companies have been doing everything they can to get and keep people enrolled throughout this pandemic.

Insurance Carriers & Reserves

Insurance companies have been made out to be the bad guys in the news, and although there are times when I’m not happy with them, I must point out the obvious to anyone who works in the health insurance industry. To us, this may seem obvious, but to the general public, they often know what they read in the press, even if it’s far from reality. I’m speaking not only as a health benefits broker and consultant, but also as a former TPA executive.

Yes, it’s true many insurance companies may be reporting higher than normal profits, but they should be reserving much of those profits for future claims… Just because people are not scheduling surgeries and other procedures now, or haven’t since March, when the pandemic shut us down, doesn’t mean that they won’t have them. Even now in August, people are starting to schedule their procedures. They may not be until the fourth quarter, and some may even be put off until after the first of the year, but they likely will happen. So the carriers need to have funds set aside for the future claims. And if a plan is self-insured, they, too will need to set aside reserves for these future claims expenses. And, the reality is, here in California, we have medical loss ratio (MLR) requirements for fully insured carriers, which simply stated, requires that carriers spend 80-85%% on direct patient care, leaving only the remaining 15-20% for administration and profit. Why isn’t that in the media? Existing California law requires health plans to annually submit to the federal Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) ratios of incurred losses to earned premiums or MLRs, and requires beginning in 2012, health plans and health insurers offering group or individual coverage to provide an annu-al rebate to enrollees if an MLR is less than 85% for its large group business, or 80% for its small group or individual business.

To reinforce the reality, I asked some industry experts for their opinions on this. “The health insurance companies are inevitably experiencing a very short term jump in profitability simply due to the fact that their expenses have been lowered due to the cur-rent pandemic,” stated Brad Davis, Vice President, Legislation, for the California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU). “Those ‘profits’ will soon be used to pay the claims that have been pent up due to the stoppage of non-essential procedures and vis-its. Any wise observer should look at this situation with the long view and not make sweeping generalizations based on 1 or 2 sets of quarterly earnings reports. Assuming no major change in historical average consumer demand for services, we fully expect to see these profits returned to the consumer quite literally as re-bate checks in the Spring and/or a flattening of the premium in-crease curve.”

In the self-insured marketplace, which I literally grew up in, having run a self-funded TPA for many years, and continuing to support self-funding in the marketplace, I currently have a good percentage of self-funded large groups in my book of business. Most have seen a serious reduction in claims expenses during the second and third quarters of 2020. However, we have advised them not to spend the money they are saving… They should be reserving it for the claims that they will likely see as the pandemic gets more under control and people feel safer and are more willing to see their doctors and schedule their procedures. Mike Ferguson, CEO of the Self-Insurance Institute of America, stated: “ There is a bit of apprehension, but so far so good, claims are down now, but are in the 4th quarter [or later] are we going to have a tsunami of health care claims?” That’s what we’re planning for.

So a word to the wise… don’t assume large profits for insurance companies are long-term. It is likely that, as Brad said, we should be a wise observer and not make sweeping generalizations based on press comments.

Attack on the Employer-Based Health Care System

The most effective, most well-liked system we have is the employer-based health care system. It works. Employers like to offer health benefits, because it helps to attract and retain employees, and prospective employees analyze health plans and other employee benefits almost as much as salaries. And yet, with current economic and unemployment statistics, it’s being attacked from all sides.

“The employer-based health insurance system in the U.S. is robust and responsible for almost 50% of all insured in America,” stated Brad Davis. “The other half is a mix of public programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and government workers. Private employers offer health insurance to recruit, retain, and boost the productivity of its workers. Hospitals and physician groups are also reliant on a good mix of privately insured to subsidize their publicly insured patients.”

It’s important to note that laid off employees do have options, and the market has responded positively, which the press is not reporting. “Even during the biggest health crisis in a century, the insurance market responded quickly to sustain coverage for consumers throughout California. Our members reported that most, if not all, of the insurance companies, have relaxed the rules to keep as many people covered as possible,” stated Maggie Stedt, President of the California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU).

The current employer-based health care system is strong and offers a variety of coverage options. Employers are perfectly positioned to determine what their employees want and need.

Options Available to Laid Off Workers

It’s important to note that here in California, Covered California has reported low premium increases for upcoming renewals, which is welcome to hear. “Despite the volatility of the current economy,” stated Maggie Stedt, “Covered California reported that all 11 carriers will return to the individual market with some plans even expanding into new regions. Even during a pandemic, the average premium increase statewide will be less than one percent. Further, consumers that use the professional services of an agent to shop within their current metal tier, can save an average of 7%.” So why isn’t this being reported in the media?

It’s true that some employees have been laid off and may have lost their group health insurance, but the reality is, they really don’t have to be uninsured!

Of course, the employer (if over 20 employees) offers COBRA (and Cal-COBRA in California for smaller groups), but the cost of often rich employer-provided benefits may not be affordable for a laid off employee. But that’s one of the reasons we have the Affordable Care Act (ACA), isn’t it? If someone has lost coverage due to a layoff, that is a qualifying event to enroll in their state’s Marketplace, which is Covered California here in this state, they can choose from many plans and premium options, and quite often qualify for either a subsidized plan or no-cost Medi-Cal. The reality is that all you have to do is apply! Many employees that are offered coverage, which has been deemed “affordable” by the ACA, simply choose not to enroll. CAHU understands that what the ACA deems as “affordable” may not be affordable to all employees, and we understand that the high cost of health insurance is due to the high cost of medical care. That’s why agents are here to help guide those individuals into coverage they can afford.

“There are so many safeguards in place to ensure universal access to health insurance that a true loss of insurance is rare and unlikely,” said Brad Davis. “An experienced and/or informed agent should be able to successfully walk any person or family through a litany of options, including state-assisted programs like Medi-Cal or Covered California, as well as private options like COBRA, or plans directly from a host of competitive carriers that cannot deny coverage.”

Most fully insured carriers in California (as well as other states) have relaxed their enrollment/underwriting rules, so that more people could enroll during the COVID-19 crisis, so individuals have had MANY opportunities to enroll.

“The exchange issued and extended numerous special enrollment periods and agents worked around the clock to ensure that millions of Californians were able to maintain coverage in existing or new channels to meet their needs,” stated Maggie Stedt. “Our members also worked with regulators to ensure that consumers were not being balanced billed for COVID treatments and services.”

Healthy California for All Committee Report 4

In a newly released report from the “Healthy California for All” Committee, which was created by California Governor Gavin Newsom in 2019, with its purpose to “develop a plan for advancing progress toward achieving a health care delivery system for California that provides coverage and access through a unified financing system, including but not limited to a single payer financing system,” the committee is (in my personal opinion, and not necessarily that of the California Association of Health Underwriters) openly and purposefully attacking the employerbased health care system, as well as the successful government programs of Medicare and Medicaid (MediCal in California) and wants to replace it with a “unified financing system” (which many of us define as a single payer option), or something similar.

Governor Newsom stated “As our march toward universal coverage continues I am calling on the brightest minds- from public and private sectors- to serve in the Healthy California for All Commission to improve the health of our state.” We will discuss later in this article what “universal coverage” means. But I think I should point out that our Governor may not be 100% familiar with health insurance terminology. He seems to mix his terms frequently. The Governor and Newsom Administration recently called Covered California a public option, in his Proposed Budget Summary5, which it is not. “This year, the Budget proposes additional investments to continue this momentum on affordability and cover age in California’s health care system. Specifically, the budget includes bold plans to address health care cost trends, strengthen California’s public option [referring to Covered CA], lower prescription drug prices for all Californians, and continue progress towards universal health care. These efforts will focus on returning cost savings to consumers and employers and will align with the efforts of the Healthy California for All Commission, which is charged with exploring policy solutions that drive toward a unified health care system that is universal, affordable, high-quality, and equitable for all.”

In addition, Governor Newsom has referred to Medicare as a “single payer”6 model (which it is not): “However, to address this ongoing cost crisis in health care in the most effective way, we must have the federal tools to support California’s ability to provide quality healthcare for everyone, financed through a single-payer model like Medicare. We must have the tolls to innovate and expand the Affordable Care Act, even as we build towards a more comprehensive, universal system that works for patients, providers, and taxpayers alike.”

Yes, terminology is used incorrectly in both of these statements, but they may give us a more realistic idea of what ‘Universal Healthcare’ may look like for the Newsom Admimistration.

According to the Healthy California for all report, 46% of people in California are covered under employer-sponsored health insurance, 40% are covered by Public Medicare or Medi-Cal pro-grams in California, 5% are covered by the individual market, and 9% are uninsured. Let’s talk for a moment about the 9% uninsured that the report cited. That’s 3.5 million people that are uninsured. Of that 3.5 million, 550,000 are actually ELIGI-BLE for employer-sponsored coverage, but chose not to enroll, 370,000 are eligible for Covered California, over 400% of the FPL (meaning not eligible for premium subsidies), 610,000 are eligible for Covered California under the 400% FPL (eligible for a premium subsidy), 660,000 are eligible for Medi-Cal (i.e. no-cost health care coverage) and 1.3 million are undocumented. I’d like to point out an error in the above report… Premium assistance through Covered California is now available for in-comes up to 600% of the federal poverty level, not 400%. Subsidies reduce consumer health plan premiums considerably, so you or your clients may be eligible for no-cost MediCal. So the reality is, most of that 3.5 million number are eligible for some form of existing coverage. The 1.3 million undocumented are the largest portion of the remaining uninsured population. However, it should be noted that many receive services for births and hospitalizations through restricted scope Medi-Cal. There are also county services that are also available to undocumented residents, which does not count towards the fully insured numbers for purposes of the report. Those eligible for subsidized coverage may be surprised at how little they would have to pay, if they’d only go online to find out, or talk to a qualified health agent (preferably).

In the report, the committee recognizes the employer-based health care system, but quickly negates its effectiveness, due to insureds having to pay co-payments and deductibles, and calls pre-tax contributions a means to the loss of tax revenue. “Employer-sponsored insurance is paid for through the employer and worker premium contributions using pre-tax dollars, which means that federal and state governments essentially subsidize employer-sponsored insurance via foregone tax revenue. In addition, most plans require that workers or their family members make payments when they access care, typically via co-payments or deductibles.”

The report also discusses how “Consumers struggle with health insurance literacy.” The committee does recognize that here in California, “individual market consumers… face fewer challenges navigating the purchase of health insurance compared to consumers in most other states.” How-ever, they do not say why that is… We all know that is be-cause Covered California welcomed agents, and quickly discovered that their largest population of enrollment came from independent agents who enrolled their clients in Covered California. “Nevertheless,” the report continues, “California consumers have trouble evaluating health coverage options and making well-informed choices when their coverage source shifts or they move from one plan to another. Less educated Californians, those with limited English proficiency, and those with low levels of health literacy face particular obstacles related to the complexity of health insurance information.” The California Association of Health Underwriters has been involved with the creation of many educational materials for all of these Californians, and such materials are available on the CAHU website at cahu.org, through our Public Affairs committee, as well as through the CAHU Foundation. We look at this entire section of the re-port as an opportunity to promote the use of agents when consumers are making health care decisions.

In a section of the report entitled “How Will a Pandemic Affect California Health Care?,” the committee discusses “shortcomings” of our current system, but it fails to mention the obvious parts which I mentioned above….like premium subsidies available. Most Californians who lose job-based coverage have an option to maintain that coverage under the federal COBRA or state Cal-COBRA laws. If individuals find COBRA prohibitively expensive, they may elect to enroll in Medi-Cal or purchase insurance through Covered California in just a few short minutes with the help of an agent.

Committee Report Proposes to “Work Around” ERISA and Eliminate Self-Funded Health Plans

The most important provisions in the report, I feel, are the Committee’s attack not only on the employer-based health care system, but on ERISA. The Employment Retirement Security Act is federal law that has been around since 1974, and protects the rights of employees enrolled in health and welfare (health insurance) plans as well as retirement plans. Understand that the Committee Report proposes to use a somewhat crazy and awkward solution to basically just work around ERISA!

Let me first provide some background. Further into the Pandemic section of the report, they talk about how a “unified financing approach would allow the state to move toward a more accountable and equitable system. How-ever, because Californians are situated so differently to-day, moving to unified financing will involve change and disruption, particularly in the short run. To achieve a universal health care system that assures access, affordability, high qualify, and equity will require purposeful design decisions and transition planning.” Let’s think about this… Change and disruption doesn’t make things easier… it often makes things much harder! Yes, you have to elect to participate in things like Medi-Cal (or Medicaid in other states), but it works…. So now let me discuss how they anticipate changing our industry and the health insurance market, beginning with ERISA.
ERISA includes provisions that apply to many populations. First and foremost, self-funded health plans, but also to fully insured groups (those with over 100 employees must file 5500 forms and comply with other ERISA provisions, but ERISA also applies to smaller groups as far as requirements to have plan documents, summary plan descriptions, and other disclosure requirements), and union plans. I have to admit, I take this section very personally, as I’ve spent my entire career working with ERISA plans and self-funded plans. In addition, I personally have written many ERISA wrap-around Plan Documents for my full-insured groups, to assure that they comply with the federal law (as Certificates of Coverage generally do not meet ERISA requirements). So, some would call me very much an expert in this area. Given that this is my exper-tise, I will defend this area to the best of my ability. Please accept my apologies in advance if my emotions on this issue affect my words in this article.

It’s obvious that the report is designed to present a positive case for “unified financing” (single payer), as that is what it was tasked to do. However, the reckless attack on federal law is more than irritating… In my world, it’s almost criminal. I know that sounds harsh, so let me explain my views. (I sup-pose at this point, I should re-state that the views and opin-ions of the author are not necessarily those of the California Association of Health Underwriters, so CAHU, that’s my dis-claimer!)

I’d like to preface this section with some quotes from the pre-ERISA attack portion of the report, which of course leads up to the (in my opinion) most important and egregious sections.

The report then goes into steps to prepare to transition to Unified Financing (ie single payer), then goes into to revisiting employer contributions and obligations. In this section, the blatant attack on ERISA and self-funding begins.

“In developing a united financing policy, the state will need to address potential conflicts with the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in relationship to self-funded plans. Self-funded plans are those in which the em-ployer assumes the financial risk of employees’ health care cost and pays for their health care expenses directly rather by purchasing insurance and having the risk shifted to a third party. Very large employers are most likely to self-fund be-cause their size better positions them to forecast and spread risk, and because it allows them to offer uniform benefits to their employees nationwide, avoiding both state benefit man-dates and state-imposed insurance taxes. At least 5.5 million Californians are covered through self-funded employer arrangements.”

Let me just stop there to make some important points. First, an employer does not have to be “very large” to self-fund. Although some are smaller, most are 100 or more employees. The 100 to 500 market also does very well self-funding in many instances. And I will defend the ERISA rule that allows employers to have one set of plan rules, regardless of employee locations across state lines. That is one of the best ad-vantages to self-funding. For employers who operate in multiple states, this drastically reduces administrative and human resources costs.

The report goes on to state: “ERISA sets federal standards that apply to private sector employers that establish employee benefit plans. Intended to assure that multi-state employers can provide consistent benefit programs across multiple states, ERISA preempts ‘any and all State laws insofar as they may now or hereafter relate to any employee benefit plan’ covered by ERISA. ERISA does not prevent states from directly regulating health insurance carriers and the products they sell to employee benefit plans but does exempt self-funded ERSIA plans from state health insurance regulation. ERISA would preempt a prohibition on self-funded employer sponsored plans in the state.” This is all true, and they do have it footnoted with code sections. What they fail to state is how successful these provisions have been to keep the costs down for self-funded employers. Self-funded plans generally see 10 to 30% savings over fully insured plans of equal benefit value, and some plans, including reference-based pricing self-funded plans, can see even greater savings. And the convenience of having one set of plan rules for all participants is not only easi-er to administer, but generally less expensive for employers. As they said, 5.5 Californians are covered by self-funded plans. Nationally, that number increases drastically.

The report continues: “How ERISA’s complex provisions may apply within the context of a specific state policy construct would be subject to court interpretation. State single payer proposals offer a range of plans that include employer contributions, such as broad-based payroll taxes. Another approach could be to place restrictions on providers, for example prohibiting providers from accepting payment from any source other than the unified system or at any different rates. These strategies would allow employers to continue to offer a self-funded plan if they chose to do so. Employers’ decisions would depend on the perceived value to employees of the self-funded plan when compared to services available under unified financing at little or no additional cost. While strong legal arguments can be made for these approaches, given the high financial stakes, litigation is likely.”

Let me make this clear, in case you didn’t quite understand what was said here. What they are saying is that they could make it illegal for providers to accept payment from other sources or plans other than the unified system (single payer). In other words, they could defy federal laws, defy the right for an employer to self-fund their plans, which have proven to be cost-effective and successful over the long term, and they would put the burden on the providers to not accept their payments. So, the Committee’s conclusion is that they should choke off the private sector, self-insured market supply to the providers. In essence, they would try to ELIMINATE self-funded plans in California. (In the rest of the report, you will see that their intent is to eliminate all types of plans -all lines of group and individual coverages, as well as Medicare and Med-Cal). And, as they said, they would be willing to spend taxpayer dollars on a very expensive legal fight, and trust me, it would definitely result in a huge legal fight.

I discussed these ERISA provisions with my own legal counsel on ERISA. “Legal challenges are a certainty,” stated Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office, and author of the “Legal Briefs” in the STATEMent, “with numerous stakeholders – including issuers, providers, employers, and plans, weighing in. Prolonged legal challenges will cause delays and confusion.” Not to mention plenty of expense.

“The ideas under consideration to avoid ERISA preemption – a payroll tax on employers, or restricting providers from taking reimbursements from plans – would strongly discourage an employer that wanted to maintain its own self-funded plan,” Marilyn continued. “A state-by-state approach to restructuring health care will create numerous legal and administrative challenges. ERISA was intended to create a uniform system of regu-lations across the country, so that employers were not subjected to piecemeal regulations. The benefits of a uniform approach are particularly important to multi-state employers, including employers that hire remote workers who may live anywhere in the country.”

The truth is on our side. Self-funding works. It’s plain and simple. And our group, individual and Medicare markets work. We just have to get that message out.


I think I should start this section with a reminder that California entered 2020 with a budget surplus, is now in a serious budget deficit position. To pass such a state solution, you need federal dollars. The federal government can deficit-spend. The state cannot.

In the current political environment, we know there will be a lot of talk about changing the health care system. Understand that the Democratic super-majority in California will have a HUGE part in what happens here. California’s legislature has more than a 2/3 democratic majority, and 2/3 also happens to be the vote requirement to pass taxes. Further, the Democratic platform supports single payer. In our California primary in March, neither Presidential Democratic nominee Biden nor Kamala Harris won California. Bernie Sanders did, and he is all about single-payer. In 2017, SB 562 passed in the California Senate, but the Assembly op-posed it due to no identified funding source; the Healthy California Committee Report paves the way for deficit spend like the federal government can. Which means that in a year like 2020 when California is pro-jecting a $54 billion deficit, healthcare services, or other vital public services would most likely be on the chopping block. Subsequently you could also see tax increases imposed on many Californians at a time they could least afford it.”

So, I ask, is now the time to take on the single payer fight? Can California, with its huge deficit, afford to take on a $400 Billion single-payer plan, plus a legal federal battle over ERISA and the right to self-fund? You and I may think not, but legislators in Sacramento, and possibly the federal government, should the Biden/Harris ticket win in November, may see it as a longer-term possibility.

It’s an election year. The fight will be vocalized in the media. I asked Mike Ferguson of SIIA what his thoughts were on this, and what we should expect. “The components of a robust government participation in the HC system are becoming more sophisticated in their arguments, and I think what is most effective and what you’re going to see, is that instead of simply saying we need more government control and putting in contrast with the pri-vate market, they’re going to start pointing out problems with the existing private marketplace. The goal is to create a narrative by which the private market looks as bad as possible.” He continued, “They want to muddy up the waters, and say, yes, there are some problems, there are some issues with a gov’t run health care system; we’ll figure those out of course, but it’s not like we’re comparing to a system that runs well. Really, it’s trading a smaller set of problems for a larger set of problems that we al-ready know are happening in the private marketplace. The critics of government- controlled system are theorizing or projecting potential issues, where in the private marketplace, there are is-sues that are tangible right now. You’re going to see more and more thinktanks and thought-leaders on that side of the political spectrum that are going to be poking holes in the private healthcare system. There are more opportunities to poke holes in the existing private marketplace. You can certainly critique fully insured carriers over their profit margins, and other business practices… it’s harder to critique the self-funded marketplace, but I’m sure you can find a situation where some plan participant had a bad outcome. Maybe a claim was denied, or something went wrong in the process. You can pick your scenario. Given the law of large numbers, you can find something that is not working well, on a case by case basis in our marketplace, so we need to be prepared for that.”

I’d like to conclude this article with some reader takeaways, or a summary message to our readers.

What are the Main Messages & Takeaways for Our Readers?

I’d like to try to summarize and give our readers some key takeaways and messages as we go forward.

  1. Know how to respond to attacks on the employer-based health care system: The employer- based health care system has been working well for many years. It currently covers nearly half of the insureds in our country. The employer-based marketplace has been stable over a long period of time and allows employers to offer robust health care plans at affordable rates. Instead of blasting single payer, perhaps a more politically correct response should be to point out the good in the employer-based health care marketplace;
    • A) The employer-based health care system is the one segment of the market that has worked very well over a long period of time. It’s the most stable part of our health insurance market.
    • B) Employers use health benefits as a good recruiting and retention tool.
    • C) Employees like receiving employer-based health coverage. It’s affordable and it’s easy.
  2. The ACA created exchange Marketplaces to assist small employers and individuals in getting affordable coverage. Our Covered California is the most successful Marketplace in the country, and it provides subsidies for individuals up to 600% over the Federal Poverty Line, and easily allows people to qualify for Medi-Cal. In addition, the use of agents is a no-cost and easy solution for individuals and small employers to get the help they need to understand how to enroll and see what is offered to them.
  3. Understand the message: The Healthy California For All Committee’s intention is to get rid of the current combination of private sector (employer-based system) health care system and public system (Medicare and Medi-Cal) and replace it with unified financing system. Understand what that means. Governor Newsom says a unified financing system, including but not limited to a single payer financing system. Keep in mind that our Governor also has misstated important terminology. Many of us believe that the Healthy California For All Committee report this is a road map to single payer. After all, that’s what the committee was tasked to do…. Find financing to pay for single payer.
  4. Understand the difference between Universal Health Care and Universal Access to Health Care. CAHU and NAHU want Universal Access to Health Care and pro-mote it. That’s what we want. We want to do it with a combination of private and public financing. The ACA has made many strides that are working. No pre-existing condition exclusions, no plan maximums, the ability to go to the Marketplaces and get cover-age with possible subsidies or no-cost Medi-Cal (or Medicaid) coverage for the lowest income families.

    It has become obvious that those speaking about single-payer, universal healthcare and “Medicare for all” are using those terms interchangeably. These terms are not interchangeable and already have a set definittion of what they are and what they are not. For ex-ample, universal access to healthcare is a broad term for a program(s) that makes some level of basic coverage available to all (likely through a government program), but also allows for private insurance as choice to the consumer. Universal access to health care which includes a private insurance option would allow consumers and employers to continue their current types of health plans, assuming those plans offer at least the basic coverage required. Some examples include Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.

    MEDICARE FOR ALL is one type of universal health care plan where basic coverage is provided through an expansion of the federal Medicare program, but this type of plan would still allow for the purchase of private insurance, as it does currently, and is administered by an insurance company, not by the state. This is not what the Healthy California Act (SB 562) pro-poses. Healthy California Act proposes a single payer plan.

    Single-payer is a system in which all residents pay the state – via taxes in amounts determined by the state – to cover all healthcare costs for all residents. This would end all individual’s option to buy or not buy health coverage from private insurers based on their specific needs and ability to pay. Both the Healthy California Act and the New York Health Act are true single-payer plans, which would eliminate all private and public insurance programs, including Medicare, Medi-Cal, Veteran’s health care, among others. The actual funding of a “single-payer” system comes from all or a portion of the covered population via new taxes.

    For more information, to go www.cahu.org, or email info@cahu.org.

  5. Learn your “elevator speech” in response to single payer. The expense to take on such a system will exceed, according to the state of California during the SB 562 fight, over $400 Billion. That is DOUBLE the existing budget for the entire state. Re-member that you’d lose your ability to choose your plan and doctors. Understand that single payer results in shortages and long wait times. Understand that single payer would likely result in many doctors leaving the profession. Understand that it costs a lot of money… Higher taxes per family and per employer. Is this what we want?

Author’s Note: I’d like to thank the contributors to this article: Maggie Stedt, Brad Davis, and Faith Borges of CAHU, Mike Ferguson of SIIA, and Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law office.

Disclaimer: The opinions stated in this article are the opinions of the author, and not necessarily those of the California Association of Health Underwriters. This article is not intended to provide legal advice of any kind. We always advise you to consult your own legal counsel as situations vary.

Footnotes: 1) “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Resulting Economic Crash Have Caused the Greatest Health Insurance Losses in American History,” By Stan Dorn, July 13, 2020, Families USA; 2) “Millions Have Lost Health Insurance in Pandemic,” By Sheryl Gay Stolberg, July 13, 2020, The New York Times; 3) “US Health Insurers Profits Boom Amid Pandemic,” By Niall McCarthy, August 6, 2020, Forbes; 4) “An Environmental Analysis of Health Care Delivery, Coverage and Financing in California,” Report by Healthy California For All, Final Report: August, 2020; 5) Governor Newsom’s Proposed Budget Summary, page 25, at http://www.ebudget.ca.gov/2020-21/pdf/BudgetSummary/HealthandHumanServices.pdf; 6) Governor Newsom’s Administration letter to President Trump and Congress, linked at: https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/1.7.19-Letter-to-the-White-House-and-Congress.pdf


S2E1 – Working From Home – Using Technology for Productivity & Security

Host Dorothy Cociu and Technology Consultant Ted Flittner, Principal of Aditi Group, team up to talk about how HIPAA applies to COVID-19 disclosures, other laws involved, and the challenges of employers with employees working from home. We address risks to employers, how to deal with employees and “the kid factor”, the importance of both technical and physical security while working at home, and how to monitor your staff remotely. We also address how to protect the company when working with platforms like zoom, and why training is so important. Listen to this to help you with the challenges of having your employees work from home.


A Helpful Guide to COVID-19 Legislation – Pt 2 – COBRA & Special Enrollment Extensions, CARES Act & PPP Loan Updates

Article by Dorothy Cociu, Published in The STATEment, July/August 2020 issue  |  Read it in The STATEment
Calfornia Broker August, 2020 issue | Read it in California Broker
America’s Benefit Specialists August/September, 2020 issue | Read it in America’s Benefit Specialists

Editor’s Note: Part One of this series was published in The County of Orange Insurance News (COIN), May-June, 2020, California Broker, June, 2020, and America’s Benefit Specialists, June, 2020.

CAHU - The Statement July-August 2020
California Broker magazine COVID legislaton article
America's Benefit Specialist

A lot has happened since I wrote the COVID-19 Guide for Employers, so I felt I was obligated to continue with a “Part 2” of sorts, to fill you in on the most recent legislative and regulatory changes coming from COVID-19 and its impact on all of us. So, I’ll begin where I left off…

In the earlier “COVID-19 Legislation – A Helpful Guide to Employers” article, I ended with brief summaries of the COBRA, Special Enrollment and Claims Procedure emergency extensions, with a promise to revisit this in a later article, so that I could do these provisions justice. I also want to update you on The CARES Act changes (which are extensive); particularly the PPP Loan and Forgiveness updates and processes. To help me explain this, I decided to get a little help from my friends, and asked third party administrators, stop loss carriers, attorneys and accountants to help me to explain the provisions, and provide their professional insights as well, as I know this information is tedious. Sometimes it’s better to get multiple perspectives on complicated matters, so I hope I can do that for you.

At the end of April, in what seemed to be a direct response from the Trump Administration to a “Suggestions” communication from the National Association of Health Underwriters’ concerns about helping employers and individuals maintain their health coverage, the Departments of Labor and Treasury released emergency legislation on COBRA extensions and related legislation. This communication/suggestion letter from NAHU was sent to the Secretaries of Labor, HHS, Department of Treasury and Administrator of CMS on April 7. NAHU was concerned with the number of employers working from home, and concerned that things like COBRA notifications, COBRA election periods and the deadlines for premium payments may be disrupted, and individuals who were laid off due to COVID-19 would lose their ability to receive COBRA continuation coverage, as well as other related concerns. On April 29, 2020, the IRS, DOL and Other Federal Agencies released updated COBRA extensions and claims filing rules due to COVID-19, to be posted in Federal Register on May 4, 2020. For a copy of the letter to the Trump Administration from NAHU, go to https://nahu.org/media/5251/nahu-covid-19-suggestions-april-2020.pdf.

In addition to COBRA extensions, the federal agencies included special temporary rules for the special enrollment period under ERISA, filing benefit claims, appealing adverse claim determination and external review processes and more.



On April 29, 2020, The Departments of Labor and Treasury released an emergency final regulation regarding the COBRA-election period during the dates of the COVID-19 national emergency. The emergency rule took effect immediately and can be applied retroactively to March 1, 2020. The emergency rule allows more flexibility for initial COBRA election periods, deadlines for COBRA premium payments, and timelines for the employer to provide COBRA election notices. The changes in these timelines will be in effect until the Administration declares the end of the COVID-19 national emergency.

The US Department of Labor released the EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2020-01 https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ebsa/employers-and-advisers/plan-administration-and-compliance/disaster-relief/ebsa-disaster-relief-notice-2020-01, which provided guidance and relief for employee benefit plans due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and the DOL’s EBSA released 29 CFR Parts 2560 and 2590 and the IRS 26 CFR Part 54, which provides for an “Extension of Certain Timeframes for Employee Benefit Plans, Participants, and Beneficiaries Affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak.” https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/05/04/2020-09399/extension-of-certain-timeframes-for-employee-benefit-plans-participants-and-beneficiaries-affected.



This relief provision allows all group health plans, disability and other welfare benefit plans, and employee pension plans subject to ERISA to disregard the period from March 1, 2020 until 60 days after the announced end of the national emergency, or such other date announced by the Agencies in a future notice (called the “Outbreak Period”) in determining special enrollment periods, a COBRA continuation election period, the date for making premium payments, the date for individuals to notify the plan of a qualifying event, the date which a benefit claim is filed, the date for filing an appeal of an adverse benefit determination, the date to file a request for an external review after an adverse benefit determination, and the date which a claimant may file information related to a request for external review upon a finding that the request was not complete.

Accordingly, “under the authority of section 518 of ERISA, and section 7508A(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the Agencies are extending certain timeframes otherwise applicable to group health plans, disability and other welfare plans, pension plans, and their participants and beneficiaries under ERISA and the Code.”

This emergency rule has been reviewed and approved by HHS, and HHS advised the Agencies that they will exercise enforcement discretion to adopt a temporary policy of measured enforcement to extend similar timeframes otherwise applicable to non-Federal government group health plans and health insurance issuers offering coverage in connection with a group health plan, their participants, beneficiaries and enrollees under applicable provisions of the PHSA. Therefore, public and private plans are subject to these emergency rules.



The emergency rule changes the COBRA-election period by allowing a person who has an election period between March 1, 2020 and the end of the national emergency an additional 60 days after the end of the national emergency to choose COBRA-continuation coverage. Prior COBRA rules provided enrollees to have 60 days to elect COBRA, but this extension will allow eligible COBRA beneficiaries to have more time to make a COBRA election period decision during the pandemic.

Examples were provided for seven scenarios in the Federal Register dated May 4, 2020, which assist beneficiaries and administrators to understand the extensions. It is important that you understand when reading the examples, that the DOL and Treasury Dept are assuming for purposes of the examples that the national emergency ends on April 30, 2020 (which of course, it did not), and the Outbreak Period ends on June 29, 2020 (the 60th day after the end of the national emergency). But, the examples will help you to understand how the extensions work. Three of the first four examples discuss the COBRA extensions. (Example Two is related to special enrollment and is discussed in the next section).

Example One relates to initial COBRA Elections due to reduction in hours. It summarizes an individual who works for an employer and participates in that employer’s group health plan. Such individual’s hours are reduced due to the national emergency, which results in an offer of COBRA coverage. This individual is provided a COBRA election notice on April 1, 2020, so what is the deadline to elect COBRA? Under this example, the outbreak period is disregarded. The last day of his election period is 60 days after June 29, 2020, which is August 28, 2020.

Example Three relates to COBRA premium payments. On March 1, 2020, an individual was receiving COBRA continuation coverage under a group health plan. More than 45 days had passed since this person had elected COBRA. Monthly premium payments are due by the first of month, and the plan only provides for the statutory 30-day grace period for making premium payments. This person made the February payment on time, but did not make the March payment or any payments during the Outbreak Period. As of July 1, the individual had not made any premium payments for March, April, May or June. Does this person lose COBRA coverage, and if so, for which months? For this example, the outbreak period is disregarded. Premium payments made by 30 days after June 29, 2020, which is July 29, 2020, for March, April, May or June 2020 are considered timely, so this individual would entitled to COBRA continuation coverage for these months if he or she makes the payment. The payments will be considered timely if they are made within 30 days after the end of the outbreak period. Premium payments for all four months are due by July 29, 2020. The plan cannot deny coverage and may make retroactive payments as long as they are received by July 29.

Example Four relates to COBRA premium payment – partial payment. Assume the same facts as Example 3. By July 29, 2020, the individual made a payment equal to 2 months’ premiums. How long does this person have coverage? Because the individual made two months’ payments, he or she is entitled to COBRA continuation coverage for March and April, 2020, the two months for which the premium payments were made, and the individual is NOT entitled to COBRA continuation coverage for any month after April, 2020. Therefore, any services incurred in March or April would be covered by the plan. The plan would NOT be obligated to cover any benefits after April 30, 2020.


Impact of the COBRA Extensions in the Real World

As I said, I asked for a little help with comments from the industry friends on this topic, to assist you in better understanding the impact of these provisions for an employer. My first questions to my friends and associates were, what are your overall thoughts on how the extensions until the 60 days after the announcement of the national emergency or other such dates announced by the agencies affect employers and employees? Will it be helpful for plan participants? Will the provisions be confusing to employers?

Marilyn Monahan, a benefits and insurance attorney from Monahan Law Office, Marina Del Rey, provided some insights: “The COBRA deadlines that have been extended only apply to COBRA continuation coverage, not state mini-COBRA coverage”, she wanted to be sure to clarify. “The new guidance from EBSA will provide some welcome relief to struggling plan participants, as well as overburdened HR departments. However, employers will have to have a clear understanding of what the new rules allow, so that they can implement the changes going forward. Coordination with outside vendors, such as TPAs and COBRA administrators, will also be important.”

On that note, I of course asked two third party administrators for their opinions. Jeffrey Strong, Vice President of Sales for Sterling Administrators, discussed the possible confusion with me. How will it help participants? Jeff replied: “This will help participants as it provides more time to absorb and adjust to the market and major disruption that has occurred.” Will it be confusing to employers? “It will if the definition of the end of the national emergency period is not clearly defined and executed to the market.” Jeff went on to say, “This will be a time for the employer’s brokers to shine as they have their ear to the ground and are working to stay as current as possible to help their clients.”

To clarify some provisions, Jeff stated; “As a reminder, COBRA coverage does not become active until a participant pays, regardless of the relaxed deadlines. I’m wondering if the ultimate need for coverage will overtake the extended deadlines with no end date.”

MaryAnn Wessel of EBA&M Corporation, a TPA in Irvine, CA, stated, “As you can well imagine—just as you are in the midst of guiding clients, we are in the midst of reviewing all aspects of the extensions as they impact our forms of communication here.” She continued: “I am not sure how confusing this will be to plan participants, Qualified Beneficiaries, etc.; as always, this depends on the population of a client….It certainly does add another layer of effort to our already busy environment and work as a TPA but these are “unusual” times and we cannot ignore what is coming from our Federal government—we just have to prepare, train and be ready!”

I followed with a question that has concerned me since I read the new emergency rules…. The ability to “make up” the contributions after several months. I asked Marilyn Monahan if she felt the ability to make up the contributions of 4 months will be realistic for those who perhaps lost their jobs? “The ability to make up premium payments months after a qualifying event will offer individuals flexibility as they grapple with meeting competing financial obligations during a very difficult time,” commented Marilyn. “However, making up months of missing premium payments soon after the end of the National Emergency will be difficult and even impossible for many qualified beneficiaries. Therefore, after losing coverage, qualified beneficiaries should consider all their coverage options, including enrolling in a Marketplace plan (for which premium tax credits may be available).”
Jeff Strong had opinions on the make-up of contributions and stated: “No, and we suspect that there will be some policy adjustments to handle these situations as unemployment has increased at an unprecedented rate. The extended deadline only solves half the problem for most affected workers – they have a lot more time to pay, but no guaranteed way to pay for it. The prior recession saw a subsidy of 2/3 of COBRA premium amounts; we will likely need it again.”



In general, HIPAA requires a special enrollment period in certain circumstances, including when an employee or dependent loses eligibility for any group health plan or other health insurance coverage in which the employee or the employee’s dependents were previously enrolled, including coverage under Medicaid and CHIP, and when a person becomes a dependent of an eligible employee by birth, marriage, adoption, or placement for adoption. Generally, group health plans must allow such individuals to enroll in the group health plan if they are otherwise eligible and if enrollment is requested within 30 days of the occurrence of the qualified event (or within 60 days, in the case of the special enrollment rights added by the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009).

Like the COBRA extensions, this emergency rule extends the special enrollment period for all group health plans, disability plans and other employee welfare benefit plans, and employee pension plans subject to ERISA or the Code must disregard the period from March 1, 2020 until 60 days after the announced end of the National Emergency, or such other date announced by the Agencies in a future notice. Therefore, the 30 day (or 60 day in the case of certain CHIP enrollments) special enrollment period is extended until 60 days after the announced end of the National Emergency. Remember, in the examples, they are assuming that the end of the national emergency is April 30, 2020, with the Outbreak Period ending 60 days later, or June 29, 2020.

Example Two relates to a special enrollment period. If an individual previously declined participation in their employer-sponsored group health plan, and on March 31, 2020 such individual gave birth and would like to enroll herself and the child into her employer’s plan, however, the employer’s open enrollment period does not begin until November 15. When can such individual exercise her special enrollment rights? In this example, the Outbreak Period is disregarded. The individual and her child qualify for special enrollment into her employer’s health plan as early as the date of the child’s birth. She can exercise her special enrollment rights for herself and her child into the plan until 30 days after June 29, 2020, which is July 29, 2020, provided that she pays the premiums for any period of coverage.



Federal regulations require ERISA-covered employee benefit plans and non-grandfathered group health plans and health insurance issuers offering non-grandfathered group or individual health insurance coverage to establish and maintain a procedure governing the filing and initial disposition of benefit claims, and to provide claimants with a reasonable opportunity to appeal an adverse benefit determination to an appropriate named fiduciary. Group health plans and disability plans must provide claimants at least 180 days following receipt of an adverse benefit determination to appeal (60 days in the case of a pension plan or other welfare benefit plans). The extensions apply to these claims procedure timelines, as discussed in the next example.


Medical Claims Deadlines

Example Five relates to claims for medical treatment under a group health plan. Assume an individual is a participant in a group health plan. On March 1, 2020, this individual received medical treatment for a condition covered under the plan, but a claim relating to the medical treatment was not submitted until April 1, 2021. Under the plan, claims must be submitted within 365 days of the participants’ receipt of the medical treatment. Was the individual’s claim timely? Yes, for purposes of determining the 365-day period applicable to the individual’s claim, the Outbreak Period is disregarded. Therefore, the last day to submit a claim is 365 after June 29, 2020, which is June 29, 2021, so the individual’s claim is timely.



As stated above, the emergency regulation extends the regular timeframes for group health plan participants to request a special enrollment period under ERISA, notify the plan about a qualifying event or determination of a disability, file a claim or appeal and adverse claim determination, or file or amend an external review. I asked Marilyn Monahan if she would like to comment on any of these and what they mean to participants and employers? “The new rules also allow beneficiaries more time to file claims for benefits and appeal adverse benefit determinations,” stated Marilyn. “Employers may be less focused on these changes because TPAs will be primarily responsible for implementation. However, employers with self-funded plans should consider the impact of these changes on such issues as reserves, claims run-out, and stop-loss coverage.”



From a stop loss provider’s perspective, these emergency extensions, I asked Marc Floyd, Executive Vice President of US Benefits, a stop loss managing general underwriter in Irvine, CA, how these extensions could impact Stop Loss for self-funded plans and their pricing. “Our message is basic… In accordance with federal and state regulations, all applicable mandated coverage requirements will be accepted with no changes in the group’s current premium rates and/or aggregate factors.”

Are stop loss carriers requiring plan amendments for these provisions? I recently asked four stop loss carriers if they required plan amendments. Two stated that they would require them, one said they weren’t required but were recommended. The fourth, Marc Floyd of US Benefits, stated,” Since we have little to no DOL guidance at this point, we would again simply plan on being in compliance with federal legislation and state mandates as pertaining to our stop loss policies. We are honoring mandated coverages (testing, etc.) without a plan amendment” [for now].
I also had a concern, particularly for self-funded plans, of what the adverse effects that these extensions could have on incurred but not reported (IBNR) claims. “It is certainly possible to have an adverse effect on IBNR but it’s too early to tell. If so, we don’t expect there to be more than a slight uptick in IBNR,” stated Marc Floyd.

Self-funded plans have to be concerned about run-out claims. These extensions could affect those run out (claims paid after the plan year ends) claims. Can these claims affect not only this year, but next year’s plan costs if claims cross over plan years? There seems to be conflicting opinions on this. While some stop loss carriers are saying there will definitely be cross-over claims from one plan year to the next, others are thinking claims should be paid from the “extensions” of the first plan year. “Our initial thought,” stated Marc Floyd, “is that ‘extensions’ would apply back to the stop loss contract which was in force when the initial liability was incurred and NOT be part of the run-in liability” [for the next plan year]. My advice on this is to check with your stop loss carrier, if you are a self-funded plan, or if you are a broker whose clients are self-funded, to see how they are interpreting these provisions, so that you know your plan liability.

Another thought of mine on this is what kind of actuarial impact these extensions could have on stop loss in general? Could this affect the plan’s renewal rates in an adverse way? “It’s too early to tell,” stated Marc Floyd. “These rules most likely would have a relatively minor affect on overall stop loss pricing. A major concern is unknown group shrinkage, changing the group demographics and lowering overall projected premiums.”
So with that in mind, if you’re self-funded, or a broker representing self-funded plans, you should make note of the overall reduction, if any, in the group’s population, and how the remaining population’s demographics may have changed when all of this is over.




Internal Appeal – Disability Plan

Example Six discusses an internal appeal of a disability plan, but it shows the timeframes for all internal appeals.
In this example, an individual received a notification of an adverse benefit determination from their disability plan on January 28, 2020. The notification advised the individual that there are 180 days within which to file an appeal. What is the individual’s appeal deadline? According to the rules, when determining the 180-day period within which the appeal must be filed, the Outbreak Period is disregarded. Therefore, the individual’s last day to submit an appeal is 148 days (180 days – 32 days following January 28-March 1) after June 29, 2020, which is November 24, 2020.


Internal Appeal – Pension Benefit Plan

Example Seven discusses an internal appeal for an employee pension plan. An individual received a notice of adverse benefit determination from his/her 401K plan on April 15, 2020. The notification advised the individual that there are 60 days within which to file an appeal. What is the appeal deadline? When determining the 60-day period within the appeal must be filed, the Outbreak Period is disregarded. Therefore, the individual’s last day to submit an appeal is 60 days after June 29, 2020, which is August 28, 2020.



The main thing to remember is that regarding COBRA, the key date is 60 days after the announcement that the national emergency has ended. In terms of making retro COBRA payments, my concern is that if someone was laid off for a period of time, as months accumulate in retro status, it will be that much more difficult to pay the past-due premiums, the longer the time accumulates. If you aren’t able to afford month one payments, will you be able to afford months one through four and pay within the allowed time-frames? I think the intent is good, but we’ll see how the reality of the financial situation plays into this. We all know how in the past, someone could wait until the end of the old 60-day election period, elect at the end, then have 45 days to pay the premium… Employees with knowledge (or help from someone who has knowledge) of how the COBRA timeframes work could wait and see if they had claims that needed paid during that 45 day window… if no claims, no need to pay the premium… Now, with these extensions, keep in mind, allowing those months to accumulate until the end of the national emergency just means that the COBRA participant will have even MORE MONTHS to make up premium payments for if they did have claims during that period… And if they were laid off or had a reduction in hours, that will not be easy. Again, great intent… but I’m not so sure if it will actually help people who lost their jobs during this time… Perhaps enrollment in exchanges (with possible subsidies) may be the way to go….

The Special Enrollment extensions concern me because first, it’s an administrative nightmare for the employers to determine how long someone has to enroll, and even more of a nightmare getting the enrollment documents in to the carrier or administrator and having claims paid retroactively, due to the retro-active enrollments. The examples, once again, assumed the end of the national emergency was April 30, but we’re already in June and there is no announcement of an end. In fact, COVID-19 cases are again rising. If the national emergency goes on for several more months, this could be chaotic, not to mention disruptive and costly for the insurance carriers, and may result in drastic adverse selection, which could affect future premium rates, for sure.

The claims rules will be chaotic for the insurance carriers and third- party administrators primarily, but employers will also be involved in these matters, causing HR departments to cringe…



The IRS released Notice 2020-50, which can be found at: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-20-50.pdf. The notice provides guidance relating to the application of the CARES Act for qualified individuals and eligible retirement plans. A coronavirus-related distribution is not subject to the 10% additional tax, including the 25% additional tax for certain distributions from SIMPLE IRAs. I suggest that you review this guidance if you have or plan to make distributions from your retirement plan.



Since my last article on this topic, so much has changed regarding the Paycheck Protection Program. As I’m sure you’ve heard, new legislation entitled The PPP Flexibility Act was signed into law, which gives businesses additional time to get their employees back to work so that they may qualify for loan forgiveness, or partial loan forgiveness. The original 8-week period was extended to 24 weeks, so that businesses such as restaurants, which were not allowed to re-open during the 8 week period, were not eligible to have their loans forgiven may now have additional relief. In addition, the PPP Flexibility Act offers an option to change the percentages from at least 75% spent on payroll expenses to 60% for payroll-related expenses.
Before I go any further, I do want to emphasize that I am not an attorney or an accountant, and therefore I am not providing any legal, financial or tax advice here. I will give my standard disclaimer that I am only taking on the role of a quasi-reporter for this article. To assist me with some of the complexities of this, I did reach out to a tax accountant and an attorney for assistance in understanding these provisions, but again, I am only providing general, public information, and also remember that situations vary and the provisions I may discuss here may have different applications depending on your industry, type of entity (corporation, independent contractor, sole proprietor, etc.), and more, so as always, I recommend that you seek the advice of your legal and financial/tax professionals before you act. In addition, please understand that things are constantly changing, and I strongly encourage you to continue to monitor, read, and follow all updates, as they will likely continue to be released throughout 2020.


PPP Flexibility Act Overview

Recently released guidance on the business loan program’s temporary changes to the Paycheck Protection Program, provides revisions to the first interim rule. What this does is add the PPP program to the SBA’s 7(a) loan program, on a temporary basis. To review these related documents, go to:





The PPP Flexibility Act changed key provisions in the Paycheck Protection Program, including loan maturity, deferral of loan payments, and forgiveness provisions.

With the COVID-19 national emergency, many small businesses nationwide were experiencing economic hardship as a direct response to the Federal, State and Local public health measures taken to minimize the public’s exposure to the virus. The CARES Act was signed on March 27, 2020, to provide emergency assistance and health care response for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Small Business Administration (SBA) received funding and authority through the CARES Act to modify existing loan programs and establish a new loan program to assist small businesses nationwide that were adversely affected by the COVID-19 emergency. Through the CARES Act, the Paycheck Protection Program was established, including provisions relating to the maturity of PPP loans, the deferral of PPP loan payments, and forgiveness of the PPP loans.



PPP Flexibility Act – Summary of Changes

Loan Maturity

Under Section 1102 of the CARES Act, certain provisions regarding the issuance and use of PPP loans are limited to the “covered period,” which was originally defined as the period from February 15, 2020 to June 30, 2020. However, section 3(a) of the Flexibility Act extended the covered period until December 31, 2020.

Section 2(a) of the Flexibility Act provides for a minimum maturity of five years for all PPP loans made on or after the date of the enactment, which was June 5, 2020, and permits lenders and borrowers to extend the maturity date of earlier PPP loans by mutual agreement. The rule now reads “PPP’s maturity of two years for PPP loans made before June 5, 2020 unless the borrower and lender mutually agree to extend the maturity of such loans to five years, or PPP’s maturity of five years for PPP loans made on or after June 5.” Therefore, it is important that you check the date of your loan to determine whether you will automatically have a 5 year maturity, or if earlier than June 5th, understand that you must request this extension from your lender.


Deferral Period for PPP Loans

Section 3 (c) of the Flexibility Act extended the deferral period on PPP loans. If you submit to your lender a loan forgiveness application within 10 months after the end of your loan forgiveness period, you will not have to make any payments of principal or interest on your loan before the date on which SBA remits the loan forgiveness amount on your loan to your lender, or notifies your lender that no loan forgiveness is allowed.
Your “loan forgiveness covered period” is the 24-week period beginning on the date your PPP loan was disbursed; however, according to the Federal Register (Vol. 85, No. 116, June 16, 2020/Rules & Regulations) if your PPP loan was made before June 5, 2020, you may elect to have your loan forgiveness covered period be the eight-week period beginning on the date your PPP loan was disbursed. Your lender must notify you of remittance by SBA of the loan forgiveness amount, or notify you that SBA determined that no loan forgiveness is allowed, and the date your first payment is due. Interest continues to accrue during the deferment period.

If you do not submit to your lender a loan forgiveness application within 10 months after the end of your loan forgiveness covered period, you must begin paying principal and interest after that period. For example, if a borrower’s PPP loan is disbursed on June 25, 2020, the 24-week period ends on December 10, 2020. If the borrower does not submit a loan forgiveness application to its lender by October 10, 2021, the borrower must begin making payments on or after October 10, 2021.


Loan Forgiveness (8 weeks to 24 weeks and 75% to 60% Provisions)

The original provisions of the PPP program under the CARES Act had a covered period of eight weeks, beginning on the date of the origination of the covered loan. Section 3(b) of the Flexibility Act extended the length of the covered period from 8 weeks to 24 weeks, while allowing borrowers that received PPP loans before June 5, 2020 to elect to use the original eight-week period (Flexibility Act Section 3(b)(3). This option to extend or not to extend will most likely be related to whether or not an entity was able to keep their employees on payroll from the loan origination date. If they were a restaurant, hair salon, gym, nail salon or other type of business that was not allowed to reopen, or they could only reopen with limited staff (such as carry-out service only from a restaurant), then they would likely gain from the extended covered period. In those instances, you should view favorably giving the businesses more time to use the loan proceeds as intended by the PPP in the first place, since businesses that received a loan should not only have a better chance at survival, but also to help retain and hire employees, and of course, meet the forgiveness qualification standards. If your business was able to keep your employees on payroll during the eight-week period, you may want to stay with the original loan terms of 8 weeks.

Section 3(b) of the Flexibility Act also amended the requirements regarding forgiveness of PPP loans to reduce, from 75% to 60%, the amount of the PPP loan proceeds that must be used for payroll costs for the full amount of the PPP loan to be eligible for forgiveness.

PPP loans can be forgiven in whole or in part. The amount of the loan forgiveness can be up to the full principal amount of the loan and any accrued interest. An eligible borrower will not be responsible for any loan payment if the borrower uses all of the loan proceeds for forgivable purposes and the employee and compensation levels are maintained or, if not, an applicable safe harbor applies.

To receive full loan forgiveness, a borrower must use at least 60% of the PPP loan for payroll costs, and not more than 40% of the loan forgiveness amount may be attributable to nonpayroll costs, as allowed in the PPP.


Loan Forgiveness Safe Harbor

There is a new safe harbor in the PPP Flexibility Act that provides that if a borrower is unable to rehire previously employed individuals or similarly qualified employees, the borrower will not have its loan forgiveness amount reduced based on the reduction in full-time equivalent employees.


Possible Tax Consequences From PPP Loans

One concern that I and others have had was whether or not companies that receive PPP loans will be able to write off their expenses during the eight-week or 24 week period that they were using PPP proceeds. I asked John Piekarski, a Tax Accountant in Huntington Beach, CA, to provide more details on this. “The Payment Protection Program, or PPP, is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on payroll, commented John. “The Small Business Administration will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for 8 [or 24] weeks, and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities. Upon forgiveness, the PPP has the look and feel of a non-taxable federal grant. Congress intended the PPP expenses to be fully taxable with no effect on deductibility of the expenses paid during the 8-week [or 24-week] period. All write-offs will be able to be used on your tax forms.” John also stated that the loan proceeds would NOT be considered income for the businesses receiving the loans, at least not as of now. (As we all know, this could change, so keep in close contact with your accountant and tax professionals!)


Loan Forgiveness Application Process

You may recall that when first enacted, the PPP program was supposed to be a simple process… You were supposed to complete the application, a loan would be generated, and the loan would be forgiven easily and simply. That is no longer the case. The process is cumbersome, tedious, and sometimes overwhelming. What makes it worse is that the process is changing seemingly every couple of weeks, and it’s very difficult to keep up with the rules. So, I’m sure that by the time this article is published, the application and process will have changed again.

The Loan Forgiveness Application has two options, a long form or a short, easy form (but neither are easy), with detailed instructions that will cause some business owners to stare cross-eyed. You can find the loan applications and instructions at:





PPP Regulations & Guidance – What’s Next & Where Do You Go From Here? Has the PPP Been Worth It?

I want to end by coming back to what I said in the beginning of the PPP section… The Flexibility Act has many important points that must be closely considered and understood by all borrowers, and this latest guidance is certainly not the last. You can expect additional regulations and guidance to be forthcoming between now and the end of the year. I suggest that if you borrowed money from the PPP Loan program, that you closely follow all of the related releases, guidance and rules published by the IRS and SBA. You should prepare and maintain all of your documents used to apply for the loan and show a detailed spreadsheet on how you spent the loan proceeds. You should also consult with your accounting and tax professionals, and if necessary, your legal counsel, to be sure that you strictly follow your lender’s requirements related to the Forgiveness Application. “Moving forward,” commented John Piekarski, “business owners are urged to keep meticulous records on how much and where PPP money was spent, taking care to note employee names, purveyors, landlords, and insurance carriers.”

The PPP Program has been materially flawed from the start, but we can hope that despite the way in which the program was pushed out and the complexities that followed, that many businesses and employees will survive and remain or become employed in part because of the PPP. So, I suggest you look at it in the positive light that it was intended, and I think you’ll probably see a better result.

“In my opinion,” stated John Piekarski, “the PPP loans are positive in this business climate, because it puts money into the hands of employers, who are held accountable by the SBA to spend on what matters in business: payroll, and immediate expenses.”

Yes, it’s been challenging, but to some businesses, it’s been a lifeline. “Many businesses are having difficulty bringing employees back to work because of the lucrative unemployment benefits offered by the state and federal governments,” stated John Piekarski. “So now, the small businesses can concentrate on keeping open, for when employees finally run out of unemployment benefits. Other businesses should be able to keep all of their employees on payroll because of the PPP loans. The best part of the PPP program is the opportunity for businesses to get back on their feet or to continue in their chosen professions. The hardest part of the PPP program has been the lack of information and misinformation given out with no clear-cut way forward. Accountants and taxpayers alike were subject to the lack of information available with nowhere to find assistance.”

So, do your homework, don’t wait until the last minute, and please, continue to review all of the updates from the IRS and SBA, to make sure you can get the most financial help possible for your business.

Author’s Note: I’d like to thank the following individuals for their assistance with this article: Marilyn Monahan, Monahan Law Office (Marina Del Rey) (310) 989-0993 or marlyn@monahanlawoffice.com
; , MaryAnn Wessel, EBA&M Corporation (Irvine) : 714.668.8920 x101, or maryann.wessel@ebam.com; Jeffrey Strong, Sterling Administrators, Oakland, (800) 617-2729 x 280 or jeff.strong@sterlingadministrators.com; John Piekarski, Tax Accountant (Huntington Beach) (714) 296-5677 or johnptehtaxman@gmail.com; Marc Floyd, US Benefits Stop Loss, (Irvine) (949) 468-3023 or mf@usbstoploss.com; and David Green, General Counsel, Cetera Financial Group (El Segundo). I can be reached at (714) 693-9754 x 3, or by email at dmcociu@advancedbenefitconsulting.com.

Disclaimer: This information was gathered from public sources, and comments were requested from industry professionals, but you should seek the advice of your legal counsel and tax/accounting professionals, as situations vary, and these laws and regulations are continuously being updated. ##

On behalf of your new CAHU Board and as your CAHU President, we are all excited and honored to be representing each of you this coming year! We are especially proud and appreciative of the efforts of Dorothy Cociu, CAHU’s Communications VP and her team, in the revival of the STATEment! It is great example of the opportunities, the sharing of information, promotion of our association and the ongoing support of our partner sponsors! Your board is looking forward to the challenges! Check out our CAHU website for updates and additions. It is just the beginning of a great year!

Maggie Stedt

CAHU President 2020-2021



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