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Health Plan Financing and Cost Containment – Digging Into the Details
An In-Depth Analysis of RX Cost Management & Using Plan Design to Contain Costs in Your Medical Plan
Session 1 – Controlling Your RX Drug Costs in Your Health Plan; An In-Depth Analysis. It’s a well-known fact: To control your health plan spend, you need to control your prescription costs. PBM Consultant Rob Shelley, President of Leaf Health will discuss the differences a PBM can make in your health plan costs, and give you helpful information on how to choose your PBM and how to determine your best fit. What should you look for? Chris Brown, Director of Business Development of RX Benefits, will discuss the best ways to lower your RX costs, and how to analyze your costs. He will discuss the use of Junk Drugs, Biosimilar Drugs, and how the use of Step Therapy, prior authorization and high dollar claim review can result in great savings. Learn how to keep your RX costs in line!
Session 2 – Designing a Self-Funded Plan With the Goal of Cost Savings. Dorothy Cociu, President of Advanced Benefit Consulting and MaryAnn Wessel, Senior Account Manager for EBA&M Corporation, a TPA, will walk you through some important ways to contain health plan costs in a self-funded health plan. A good plan design results in great savings! Learn how to design a cost-effective self-funded health plan!

“The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
This class is available as an HRCI class with 1.5 hour of HRCI credit. To obtain HRCI credit, please take this class on the HRCI track of the Empowered Education Center ( A $25 fee applies and you must take a test and pass with 70% score or better for HRCI credit. You will have 3 opportunities to pass the test.