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Health Plan Financing and Cost Containment – Digging Into the Details
An In-Depth Analysis of Self-Funding with Reference-Based Pricing
Session 3 – Reference-Based Pricing… The Good, The Bad and The Cost Savings… Is it Worth It? The use of Reference-Based Pricing in self-funded health plans has proven to be a great cost savings method of health plan financing, but not without controversy and sometimes employer and employee dissatisfaction. When done right, it can be a great way to produce substantial bottom-line savings, but if not done right, it can be chaotic, frustrating and risky. We will present a Panel of those who have done it right… Hear the positives and negatives from End Users- Employers, plus views from a stop loss carrier and an RBP vendor. Employers include Bill Struett, Treasurer, Triangle and Heimark Distributing, and Laura Robledo, HR and Payroll Manager of Tri-West, LTD. From the Stop Loss side, hear from John Dore, President, Mike Lanza, Vice President, Claims, and Tim Barden, Senior Underwriter of US Benefits. Also on our panel will be Kenny Bennett, from AMPS, an RBP vendor. Moderated by Dorothy Cociu, President of Advanced Benefit Consulting.
85 min

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The Program ID number will be provided upon completion of the class. This class is certified for 1.5 hour of HR credit.