In part one of a two-part podcast, host Dorothy Cociu and Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law office discuss important updates for employer plan sponsors. In Part 1 – Dorothy and Marilyn will discuss What the Future May Hold in Washington; COVID-19 updates, including an important update on the Outbreak Period that applies to COBRA and other timeframe extensions; the New CAA Stimulus Bill and How it Impacts Other Laws & Regulations; CAA Important Provisions including the No Surprises Act, which puts limits on balance billing; the new reporting period for Mental Health Parity; and Agent/Broker Compensation Disclosure.
Important Notice/Disclaimer: This podcast includes excerpts from an educational webinar instructed by Dorothy and Marilyn in January, 2021. Be advised that some provisions discussed in this podcast are subject to change, as the environment in Washington and Sacramento are moving quickly. Since this podcast was recorded, certain items discussed have already been changed, and we expect this to continue, so stay tuned for more updates!