Host Dorothy Cociu welcomes once again Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office on Federal and State Legislative Updates for fall, 2021. Marilyn will discuss the ACA Transparency Rules, the CAA’s No Surprises Act & Transparency, and how grandfathered health plans are affected. In addition, she provides updates on ARPA COBRA Subsidies, FFCRA & ARPA wrap-ups, Long COVID & disabilities, and more. She will also discuss ACA reporting updates, as well as how employers can find a path out of the pandemic, reviewing current guidance from the CA Department of Industrial Relations and Federal Department of Labor. Lastly, Marilyn provides California legislative updates, including Cal Savers, California leave laws, electronic notice postings, mandated benefits, insurance regulation, employment law, minimum wage and city ordinances. This podcast was originally recorded as a client webinar. Edited for podcast use.