Part 1 of a 2-Part series during Mental Health Awareness Month
Host Dorothy Cociu interviews experts from Hines & Associates, a Utilization Management & Case Management firm, who discuss the negative impacts COVID has had on mental and behavioral health. Included in this discussion are Anna Hansen, Senior Vice President, Client Solutions & Retention, Suzanne Casel, RN, PMH-BC, Director of Behavioral Health & Wellness, and Karla Weiner, RN, CCM, AATMC, Director of Medical Case Management Operations. We discuss the differences between gender, race or urbanization, the social and economic neglect of mental health care, the types of disorders, and how things like stress, anxiety and depression can lead to more serious situations, including suicide. In addition, we discuss how employees suffering from mental or behavioral health conditions can contribute to a lack of productivity and absenteeism in the workplace, and what can be done to improve outcomes. Please join us for this impactful podcast during Mental Health Awareness Month. Part 1 of a 2-part series.