In this week’s podcast, host Dorothy Cociu discusses the process of the employer selection of a benefits broker and consultant with guests Sue Wakamoto-Lee, Director of Business Development of Advanced Benefit Consulting and Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office. What services are important? What suits the employer’s needs? Should a broker/consultant assist an employer in benefit plan compliance, and if so, to what level? How do you properly compare, contrast and evaluate brokers and consultants? ERISA fiduciary rules, the CAA and the DOL Cybersecurity regulations and guidance have made it clear that employer plan sponsors should have a process to compare, contrast and select all service providers, including brokers/consultants, yet most employers are not even aware of these rules. Should that be a red flag? We’ll provide you with a “checklist” to help you compare benefits brokers and consultants, so that you can make the best decision and selection for your organization. Join us for this informative podcast!
Show Notes
ABC Employer Broker Checklist 2024 Blank Final
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ABC Employer Broker Checklist 2024 Final – ABC Completed
(Form filled out by Advanced Benefit Consulting_