Part 2 in our Series on Artificial Intelligence
In this episode, host Dorothy Cociu discusses with Eric Barricklow, Adriana Mendieta and Marilyn Monahan the importance of AI Security and Privacy Protections, AI & Cyber Liability, and Keeping Your Data Safe. Artificial Intelligence has left many companies wondering about what is needed to use the efficiencies of AI, but not compromise the privacy and security of the company and employees’ data. How can you do both? We will discuss the impact of workflow and production, the use of proper security and approval channels, and the dangers of using ChatGPT and other AI programs, and how those dangers can be minimized. We will also discuss the use of AI in Benefits Administration and the largest concerns related to privacy & security of data when using AI from an administrative, legal, and IT perspective, as well as a discussion on policies and procedures for AI. Join us for this informative podcast!