A Full Service Employee Benefit and Compliance Solution for Employers

Benefits Executive Roundtable Podcast


Audio Podcast Series

Industry experts break down the latest news and trends in employee benefits, healthcare reform, regulations and compliance, designed to empower executive decisions.

Dorothy Cociu will interview experts is a wide variety of fields and companies that affect your decisions.   Dorothy will also share her knowledge and views on these topics.  Each episode will be different and may feature a different mix of speakers.


Listen Now

Download or listen to each episode here or on your favorite streaming service.  Now available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Radio Public, Listen Notes, and Whooshkaa.  Coming soon to Pandora, Acast, Blubrry, Tunein, and others.

Hosted By Dorothy Cociu, President, Advanced Benefit Consulting & Insurance Services.
Listen to Benefits Executive Roundtable on Pandora
Amazon Music podcast

Benefits Executive Roundtable Season 6Season 6

Season 6 of the Benefits Executive Roundtable is here now and we encourage you to give past episodes another listen as well.

S6E16 - Grass Roots Work in the Legislative Process
health insurance updates podcast with Phil Calhoun
Podcast California legislative updates
Chinese DeepSeek & Other Artificial Intelligence
2025 HIPAA proposed rule changes part 2
BER S6E10 - Employer EAP and Mental Health Parity Act
HIPAA Reproductive Rights Requirements
podcast s6e8 Cybersecurity awareness
MHPAEA Final Regulations & NQTL Analysis
ERISA fiduciary requirements part 2, Oct 2024
ERISA fiduciary requirements part 1, Oct 2024
Benefits Executive Roundtable tax write-offs vs. income tax
podcast s6e8 Cybersecurity awareness
2025 Medicare updates
Podcast S6E1 - Celebraring ERISA's 50th birthday

Season 5

Our complete season 5 has been published for your learning and enjoyment.  Stay tuned for news on Season 6 of the Benefits Executive Roundtable and we encourage you to give past episodes another listen as well.


S5 E18 – Benefit Programs Designed to Attract and Retain Employees at All Job Tiers

attract and retain employees podcast

In today’s market, top talent not only wants, but expects, a robust and innovative employee benefits program that will set one employer apart from the rest. Host Dorothy Cociu and guests Sue Wakamoto-Lee, ABC Director of Business Development and Jack Holder, President of EBIS, discuss how you can design a benefits program tailored to your workforce, including medical plans, dental and other plans, along with voluntary options and creating an Educational Assistance Program through which employers can help their employees pay off part of their student loan debt or current college and vocational expense each calendar year. Join us for this informative podcast, which will be our last regularly scheduled podcast of Season 5!

S5 E 17 – Holistic & Alternative Medicines, Part 2

holistic and alternative medicines

In this week’s podcast, in a follow-up and part 2 of this series, host Dorothy Cociu discusses holistic and alternative, natural medicines and remedies for healing with Dr. Shannon Eggleston, Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Doctor of Naturopathy, Founder of Natural Healing Center, and Ted Flittner of Live Wellness. We discuss the effectiveness of natural and plant-based medicines and healing, non-pharmaceutical options for pain and overall health, and the politics behind the barriers cannabis and other alternative and natural healing methods face in their path towards rescheduling away from current controlled substances categories in Washington. Join us for this informative podcast!

S5 E16 – Workplace Violence, Active Shooter Training and California’s New SB 553 Law

workplace violence

In this week’s episode, Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Michael Julian, CEO, of National Business Investigations, Inc., MPS Security & Protection, author and trainer for Workplace Violence and Active Shooter Survival Training. Workplace Violence, as well as Active Shooters have become, unfortunately, very common across this country and elsewhere. California has put into law SB 553, which requires most employers in California to have a complete and comprehensive training program, effective July 1, 2024. What does SB 553 require an employer to do? If an Active Shooter enters your workplace, are you ready and are your employees safe? This podcast explores the requirements of the law as well as the reality of today’s world, and steps you can take to minimize the risk of an active shooter. Please join us for this highly informative podcast!

S5E15 – Federal -Washington Election/Politics, Legislative & Regulatory Updates 2024

podcast John Greene with Federal Legislative and political updates

Host Dorothy Cociu discusses the current state of Washington politics, legislative and regulatory updates and an insider’s look from “Inside the Beltway” with John Greene, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for the National Association of Benefits & Insurance Professionals (NABIP). We discuss the politics in this election year, potential for future leaders, the 50th anniversary of ERISA, additional fiduciary responsibilities for employers, “site neutral” and PBM issues, and the March 8th Congressional Healthcare Package. Join us for this informative podcast!

S5 E14 – AI Security and Privacy Protections, AI & Cyber Liability, and Keeping Your Data Safe

artificial intelligence legal considerations

Part 2 in our Series on Artificial Intelligence

In this episode, host Dorothy Cociu discusses with Eric Barricklow, Adriana Mendieta and Marilyn Monahan the importance of AI Security and Privacy Protections, AI & Cyber Liability, and Keeping Your Data Safe. Artificial Intelligence has left many companies wondering about what is needed to use the efficiencies of AI, but not compromise the privacy and security of the company and employees’ data. How can you do both? We will discuss the impact of workflow and production, the use of proper security and approval channels, and the dangers of using ChatGPT and other AI programs, and how those dangers can be minimized. We will also discuss the use of AI in Benefits Administration and the largest concerns related to privacy & security of data when using AI from an administrative, legal, and IT perspective, as well as a discussion on policies and procedures for AI. Join us for this informative podcast!

S5E13 – Legal Considerations of Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence legal considerations

They predict that AI will revolutionize the workplace. But what is the legal landscape for AI use? Are there laws in place governing the use of AI? Are there risks and vulnerabilities employers should consider before adopting AI systems? In Part One of a Two-Part Series on Artificial Intelligence, host Dorothy Cociu discusses the legal considerations of AI with Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office. This podcast is designed to help you understand the existing legal landscape, identify the legal risks and vulnerabilities created by AI use, and prepare for the implementation of AI in the workplace. Join us for this very informative podcast!

S5E12 – Holistic and Alternate Medicines in Health Care, CBD, and the Path to Future Health Plan Coverage

holistic alternative medicine in healthcare

For many years, consumers have been using Cannabis/CBD and other Holistic or Alternate Medicines and Treatments outside of their health plan, because studies have shown that they work and provide needed pain relief and treatment for conditions such as Cancer, Chronic Pain, Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimers and Dementia, and more recently for mental health, autism, epilepsy and auto immune diseases. Host Dorothy Cociu and Sue Wakamoto-Lee discuss with guest Elisabeth Mack RN, BSN, MBA, owner of Holistic Caring, the differences between CBD and THC, microdosing, and how these products are providing relief, as well as the current system’s failures to incorporate these treatments into health plans. What does this type of alternative medicine cost today? Are they as effective or more effective than pharmaceutical drugs? When can the use of Cannabis/CBD be covered by health plans? Is there a path forward to offer these products and services in self-funded health plans and other plans, and if so, can they save overall costs in the long run? What is standing in the way and what needs to change in Washington to open the doors to health plan use? Please join us for this highly informative podcast.

S5E11 – Selecting a Benefits Broker & Consultant; A Helpful Checklist

selecting a benefits broker, season 5, episode 11

In this week’s podcast, host Dorothy Cociu discusses the process of the employer selection of a benefits broker and consultant with guests Sue Wakamoto-Lee, Director of Business Development of Advanced Benefit Consulting and Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office.  What services are important?  What suits the employer’s needs?  Should a broker/consultant assist an employer in benefit plan compliance, and if so, to what level?  How do you properly compare, contrast and evaluate brokers and consultants?  ERISA fiduciary rules, the CAA and the DOL Cybersecurity regulations and guidance have made it clear that employer plan sponsors should have a process to compare, contrast and select all service providers, including brokers/consultants, yet most employers are not even aware of these rules.  Should that be a red flag?  We’ll provide you with a “checklist” to help you compare benefits brokers and consultants, so that you can make the best decision and selection for your organization.  Join us for this informative podcast!

Show Notes

ABC Employer Broker Checklist 2024 Blank Final
(blank form)

ABC Employer Broker Checklist 2024 Final – ABC Completed
(Form filled out by Advanced Benefit Consulting_

S5 E10 – Human Resources & Employment Law California & Federal Updates 2024

HR employment law California and Federal updates for 2024

In this week’s podcast, Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Kathy Ruffino, Vice President, Train Me Today, a Southern California-based Human Resources Consulting and Training firm, on the upcoming law changes for 2024 related to Human Resources and Employment Law. In this podcast, we discuss California’s SB 616 Paid Sick Leave, Cannabis Legislation SB 700 and AB 2188, SB 699 Non-Compete Agreements, SB 553 Workplace Violence, SB 497 Rebuttable Presumption of Retaliation, AB 594 Public Prosecution for Labor Code Violations, AB 1228 Fast Food Minimum Wage, SB 525 Health Care Industry Minimum Wage, SB 723 Rehire/Retention of Displaced Employees in Hospitality and Service Industries, and SB 848, Reproductive Loss Leave. In addition, we discuss Federal Laws The Pump Act and Federal Pregnant Worker Fairness Act (PWFA). Join us for this informative podcast!

S5E9 – Self-Insurance Legislative & Regulatory Hot Topics

self insurance podcast episode 9 season 5

In this week’s episode, host Dorothy Cociu discusses the self-insurance industry hot topics with Ryan Work, VP of Government Relations and Chris Condeluci, Washington Counsel, for the Self-Insurance Institute of America. We discuss the current threat to ERISA pre-emption following recent Supreme Court rulings on PBM cases that could have adverse effects on self-funded health plans, as well as updates on the Transparency in Coverage, the wide variability and incompleteness of files and inability of plan sponsors and administrators to access their claims data. In addition, we discuss the Surprise Medical Billing and Federal Independent Dispute Resolution process and issues within the portal, the lack of Independent Dispute Resolution Entities to arbitrate the cases, and recent cases that strike at the heart of the NSA rules, the QPA. We also discuss the CAA Gag Clause Prohibition & Attestation and requirements of plan sponsors. Join us for this informative podcast!

Season 4


S4 E18 – Benefit Programs to Attract and Retain Talent For All Job Tiers

podcast benefits programs to attract and retain top talent

In this episode, Host Dorothy Cociu shares more excerpts from ABC’s January 24th Lunch & Learn program. Dorothy Cociu and Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office discuss benefit programs that attract and retain talent in all job tiers. In today’s market, top talent not only wants, but expects, a robust and innovative employee benefits program that will set one employer apart from the rest. In this episode, we will talk about how you can design a health benefits program tailored to your workforce, including medical plans, dental and other plans, along with voluntary options, and recent changes in the law that allows employers to create an Educational Assistance Program with which employers can help their employees pay off part of their student loan debt or current college and vocational expense each calendar year. Join us for this informative podcast!

S4E17 – Recruiting Talent:  Challenges & Opportunities in a Post-COVID World

podcast recruiting challenges post COVID

In this episode, Host Dorothy Cociu shares excerpts from ABC’s January 24th Lunch & Learn program. One of the greatest challenges employers have in our post-pandemic world is recruiting talent and keeping them from moving on quickly to other employers.  In this episode, Kathy Ruffino of Train Me Today and Marilyn Monahan of Monahan Law Office provide us with helpful information and tools for recruiting and retaining quality employees, by providing them with what they are looking for now and in their future.  We cover opportunities for remote work and how to design job descriptions for remote employees at all job tiers, the challenges of hiring a remote or hybrid workforce and how to overcome them, the types of benefits that attract recruits and keep them on the job, and tools to keep employees engaged long-term.  Join us for this informative podcast!

S4E16 – California Employment & Workplace Laws for 2023

Host Dorothy Cociu shares excerpts from her Employment & Workplace Laws session from her January 24, 2023 Lunch & Learn this episode.  Kathy Ruffino from Train Me Today and Marilyn Monahan from Monahan Law Office discuss the new employment and workplace laws in or going into effect in 2023, including The Fast Act, AB 1041 expansion of current family leave under CFRA, SB 1044 Retaliation and “Emergency Situations,” AB 1601 employment protections for call centers, AB 1949 bereavement law update, SB 523 discrimination of applicants and/or employees based on reproductive health decision making, SB 1162’s Pay Transparency Act, which requires new pay data reporting beginning May 10th, 202, and other California and Federal new and existing laws changes or updates. Join us for this informative podcast!

S4E15 – California State Legislative Updates

podcast on California legislative updates

In this episode, host Dorothy Cociu interviews Faith Borges, Legislative Advocate, Dawn McFarlane, VP of Legislation and Sue Wakamoto-Lee, President, of the California Agents & Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP), on the current legislative environment in Sacramento. We examine our state legislature, the November elections and political impact of them, state Leadership, and the main legislative issues related to health insurance and health care in California. Will Single Payer threats be back? Join us for this informative podcast!

S4E14 – Federal Legislative Updates with Marcy Buckner, Part 2

podcast Federal legislative updates Marcy Buckner

In part two of this two-part series, host Dorothy Cociu continues her interview with Marcy Buckner, Senior VP of Government Affairs of NABIP.  We discuss the CMS Proposed 2024 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters (NBPP), the ACA Employer Reporting Deadline permanent extension, the Transparency in Coverage (TiC) Guidance that clarifies Public Disclosures, and the Good Faith Effort provisions for employer CAA Prescription Drug Reporting, which has been very difficult for employers, TPAs, PBMs and others.   In addition, we discuss the top issues that NABIP has working on in Washington, including preserving the employer tax exclusion and employer reporting under the ACA.  We also discuss updates on Single Payer/Medicare for All discussions in Washington and Medicare Updates.  Join us for the conclusion of this informative podcast!

Season 3


S3 E18 – Health Plan Financing With Reference Based Pricing – The Pros and Cons – An Employer-Plan Sponsor Perspective

Health Plan Financing With Reference Based Pricing
Host Dorothy Cociu interviews two of her self-funded group health plan clients, Bill Struett of Heimark Distributing and Randy Sims of Tri-West, LTD, about their experiences with reference-based pricing. They discuss the positives and negatives, the opportunities for additional cost savings over PPO networks, and the administrative process. Was it easy? What types of problems did they have and how did they overcome them? Learn about their experiences first-hand, and how to overcome provider push-back and employee concerns from the end users: self-funded plan sponsors.

S3E17 – Is Self-Funding Your Health Plan The Way to Help Your Company’s Bottom Line and Help Long-Term Growth? 

S3E17 podcast episode Self Funding
In Part 2 of our 3 Part Series on Health Plan Financing & Cost Containment, Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Brad Gossen, President, and Dan Baker, Vice President, Sales, of EBA&M Corporation, a Third-Party Administrator specializing in self-funded health plans. In this post-COVID world, employers are trying to get back to what they do, and in order to do that, they are looking at long-term cost containment in their health plan financing. Is Self-Funding the way to help your company’s bottom line and help long-term growth? As employers look at reducing their long-term spend, but need good benefits to attract and retain employees, the self-funding alternative is looking more and more promising. Join us as we discuss the risk vs. reward.

S3E16 – Strategies for Fully-Insured Health Plans – How to Offer Great Benefits and Maintain Your Budget

Bob Quaid from California Choice on Benefits Executive Roundtable

 Part 1 of a 3 Part Series on Health Care & Health Plan Financing & Cost Containment

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Bob Quaid, Senior Broker Representative for California Choice, a health plan option available for small groups (under 100 employees) in California, on how their 1990’s created Assembly Bill private exchange product has developed into an effective way for fully insured employers to set their health plan budgets and stick to them, while offering employee choice. We’ll discuss budgeting techniques, carriers, administration, consolidated billing and support on these plans.  Learn how it works and why it’s a cost-effective strategy for fully insured small group health plans. 

S3E15 – The Value of EAP Programs in a COVID and Post-COVID World

value of EAP in COVID and post world

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Elizabeth Holman, President of The Holman Group, which is a Managed Behavioral Healthcare Provider and Employee Assistance Program.  We discuss the importance of providing assistance to employees in times of crisis, stress and anxiety, such as the COVID-19 era and beyond.  What effects did the lack of normalcy, the economic pressures and lockdown have on employees and their families?  How can employers help in times like these, and going forward, to better assist them in the future in a post-COVID world?  Learn more about EAP programs and how they can help employers.

S3E14 – How Close Did We Come to Single Payer Healthcare in California? 

single payer healthcare scare in California podcast S3E14

Host Dorothy Cociu interviews Faith Borges, Legislative Advocate for the California Agents and Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP) and Dawn McFarland, VP of Legislation for CAHIP, on the latest and most serious threat to our current health care system in California, with the recent single payer healthcare bill, AB-1400, and the companion Assembly Constitutional Amendment, ACA 11. This was the second serious scare of single payer in 5 years for California, but this one was a double threat, as it included the funding source to pay for Single Payer in a constitutional amendment with nearly $290 Billion in new corporate and individual taxes. What happened, why did it happen, and why did it fail? Learn why this is a continuing threat in California; how we could lose our employer sponsored coverage, individual coverage, Medicare, Medi-Cal and all other forms of healthcare coverage in California!

Special Edition Podcasts

Special Edition Podcast – American Rescue Plan Act 2021 and Legislative Updates Spring 2021

https://advancedbenefitconsulting.com/se-american-rescue-plan-act-2021-and-legislative-updates-spring-2021The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2021 and Other Legislative Updates – Spring, 2021 – A Special Off-Season Release! Host Dorothy Cociu and Guest Marilyn Monahan...

Season 2

S2E15 – Human Resources & Employment Updates, Including COVID Workplace Assistance & HR Certifications with Jacquelyn Thorp, MSHR, SPHR, PHRCA

https://advancedbenefitconsulting.com/s2e15-human-resources-and-employment-updates-covid-workplace-assistance-and-hr-certifications-with-jacquelyn-thorpHost Dorothy Cociu interviews Jacquelyn Thorp, CEO and Founder of Train Me Today, a California-based Human Resources...

Season 1


S1E5 – Federal Legislative Update: Medicare-for-All, Single Payer Options, Health Plan Terminology and Presidential Candidate Health Plan Comparisons for Employers & Consumers

Dorothy Cociu interviews Janet Trautwein, CEO of the National Association of Health Underwriters, who provides a frank outlook on the current state of health care reform in Washington.  Janet provides a mini glossary of terms, the differences between Universal...

Summary of Seasons 1-6

Quickly read summaries of each of our podcast episodes from seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.  We’ve covered many critical topics for busy executives and company leaders, to help you make the best decisions in today’s hectic world of changing laws, people and financial challenges.  And it’s easy to download and share with others in your circle.